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Jessie - Part 3

Jun 12, 2024
It’s Saturday morning in Celadon City and a broad shaft of sunlight projects across Jessie’s bed. It was hot the night before, too hot for sleeping attire…which for the purple-haired woman is usually little more than a well-worn pair of panties and an ill-fitting t-shirt. Face down and sprawled atop the sheets, the naked woman snores and murmurs in her sleep. Meowth, now very much the senior citizen, does what most cats do, having found the warmest, highest, and most inconvenient place in the room to sleep the morning away.

In this instance, the warmest, most sun-soaked part of the room happens to be atop the vast and decidedly comfy expanse that is Jessie’s posterior.

Meowth couldn’t recall when Jessie had come home the night before…it seemed rather early for her and very late for him…home from her black-tie gala date with some young gentleman she’d met at the local coffee shop. Or was this one from the grocery market…or from work…or that dive bar down the street? He can’t remember, the multitude of Jessie’s flings over the years…none of which being particularly memorable in his mind’s eye…all running together.
Jessie stirs in her sleep, mumbling as she pivots her hips, the aging cat wobbling atop his pirch.

Jessie: Geh… Get off-ah me furball. M’ hot.

As comfortable as he may be, it’s time for Meowth’s breakfast anyway. The cat arches his back, stretching while letting out a long and exaggerated yawn before gingerly climbing down from his impromptu bed…his leaping and bounding years having long since passed. Besides, his bed is particularly ripe this morning…an olfactory challenge for any cat…Jessie smelled of sweat, cheap men’s cologne, and just a hint of last night’s sex.

An hour later Jessie wanders into the kitchen, enticed by the smell of freshly brewed coffee. A bespectacled Meowth, sitting in the tiny breakfast nook and reading the morning news, looks over his reading glasses..and promptly lets out a snicker at the woman’s expense. Aside from her frazzled bed-head and smeared mascara, the cutoff t-shirt and a pair of too-tight booty-shorts completes the look…her ample underboob poking out from beneath the too-small shirt only adds to the effect.

Meowth: Well, look what the cat dragged in.

Jessie wrinkles her nose, giving the feline an obscene finger gesture before reaching for the coffee pot.

Jessie: You’ve been waiting all morning to say that, haven’t you?

Meowth comically wobbles his head to the affirmative, giving the woman a toothy grin. The purple-haired woman pours her coffee…black, not wanting to fuss with cream and sugar…and sits down opposite the cat.

Meowth: Sooo…? How’d it go?

Jessie rolls her eyes from behind an upturned coffee mug, practically gulping the black brew.

Jessie: Nothing but stuff-shirted Richie Rich types with fake tit’d trophy wives or well-paid fake tit’d escorts. I can’t even remember what the gala was for…some rich wife’s pet charity maybe?
Meowth: And our date…? Not exactly Bruce Wayne, I’m guessing?

Once again, Jessie rolls her eyes around her upturned mug.

Jessie: All he wanted to talk about…all friggin’ night…was Pokémon training.
Meowth: Ah… A fun-filled evening with some Poké fan-boy. Did you at least get…

The inquisitive feline looks to the ceiling with raised eyebrows, wanting Jessie to get the meat of the subject. Jessie merely rolls her eyes again, recalling the wholly mediocre and not-even fifteen-minute-long lay she’d had the night before.

Jessie: We didn’t have sex in the Batmobile, that’s for sure

Her coffee gone, Jessie gets up for the table and heads back towards the bedroom, mumbling something about a shower and a nap. Meowth looks over his glasses, a little mischievous smirk on his face, watching as his two favorite cat toys jounce and jiggle down the hallway in their shorts-confined prison. Ah, if only he were a younger cat…he would bat and swat at those playthings every chance he could get.

Thirty minutes later a refreshed Jessie emerges from the bathroom, her fluffy pink bathrobe barely tired at the waste. Meowth, patently sitting at the foot of the bed, swings his feet back and forth…snickering at her purple-tinted blow-dried fluff of a hairdo. Jessie says nothing, knowing exactly what the feline wants.

Untying her robe, she lets it slip to the floor, and climbs onto the bed on her hands and knees…finally flumping, face down on the pillows.

Jessie: Assume the position, furball.

Meowth pads across the bed, climbs onto her posterior, and begins kneading her cheek as any cat would do.

Jessie: Easy with the claws, mangy alley cat.

Settling down with his legs tucked beneath him, Meowth, his inner eyelids half closed, happily purrs away. A ray of afternoon sun shining onto the won’t be long until they are both snoozing the afternoon away.

Original Art by Unknown
Lineart by Phillipthe2
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