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MC Trance Trigger 4 - Teaser

May 31, 2024

Plot: David is on vacation in an all-inclusive beach resort. When his eyes fall upon Melinda it's love at first sight... for him... though... she's way out of his league. But fate is on his side when Melinda attends a hypnosis show at the club and the hypnotist fails to remove her trance trigger! When David tests it out as a joke the next day he can't believe his luck when the girl of his dreams stands in front of him in a deep hypnotic trance listening to his every command!

Follow David as he soon turns Melinda into his adoring girlfriend and later even gets to meet her mother, who attended the same hypnosis show as her daughter!

MC Trance Trigger is a four chapter-long story with over 250 pages in total. The complete series is available on my Patreon for Connoisseur Tier members throughout June. It's also available in my Gumroad-Shop:

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