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Milfster PC (Part 2)

Apr 16, 2021


Paul's girlfriend Callie is a dream come true. Smart, hard-working, and has the looks of a fashion model. The only downside is Callie's mom, Jessica, a MILF-of-the-year candidate (if there ever was one) and a disrupting influence on Paul and Callie's social lives. And Paul's finally come up with a way to keep Jessica from getting in the way: Transforming into Super-Stud Ben and keeping Jessica busy with a relationship of her own. But Jessica wants more. And after seeing the effects of "more" on her mother, so does Callie. And maybe not from Paul...


Guy met girl. Guy got girl. Guy's worried about losing girl, so guy starts dating girl's mother?! What. The. Actual. Fuck.

But, yeah that's the kind of stuff you can get away with when you have Master PC at your disposal. And yeah, Bill Pratt is going there. So read, fap, and laugh along as Paul juggles two demanding relationships and gets a serious sexual master class from the newly enhanced Jessica.


Author: William Pratt
Artists: J.J. McQuade

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