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Mistress Of The Empire

Jun 18, 2020

All no...not saying it this time.

They believed House Nagai destroyed. That it died with my father in one night of treachery and blood.

They laughed as they imagined me crawling before them pleading mercy while they carved up my lands, enslaved my people and shared me among themselves as a plaything.

I am no toy and House Nagai is not dead. We have been liberated.

Now their lands are my lands, their people my own and those who remain, the ones my sword have not taken, now bow before me.


When I saw this morph by @TritiumCG I knew she'd be fun, but I felt i needed to research the actual woman.

I took a night and researched the hell out of her and after I wiped up the mess and bandaged my wrist I set about making this.

I took inspiration from Mara of the Acoma in the Empire series of books by Feist and Wurts. I do love me a strong female character and I've read those books a couple of times now.

The morph is of JAV bundle of fun  and cause of chronic RSI Maria Nagai:

maria_nagai___full_head_and_body_morphs_for_g8f_by_tritiumcg_ddzgh8m-150.png Enjoy :D

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