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New Character: Winter Silverleaf

Nov 27, 2023
My BFF and partner in crime for the past 562 years, Winter is a Vanyar elf who grew up in Lothlorian, but yearned for a more pedestrian lifestyle, like myself.  She's only 5'1" and a tiny frame to match, but can handle situations much larger than you'd think someone of her stature could.  She's always up for a good time, whether it's smoking herself retarded on good bud, communing with nature at a local park, coffee runs, or the occasional threesome with me and Irion.

This character has been featured before in a few shots, but never fully fleshed out or uniquely designed...until now. I've done quite a few test model shots of her with various hairstyles, poses, and outfits.  I may leave it up to you, the viewer to decide whether she should have shorter hair or longer hair by posting a vote poll later, or leave feedback in the comments...dunno yet.

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