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"Night Classes 19" - Published

Sep 26, 2023
Hey there! I've got some updates to share with you regarding our latest episode. Firstly, I apologize for the slight disruption in the schedule. My mom had to go to the emergency room on Sunday, which led to me wrapping up the episode a bit earlier so I could take care of her. But the good news is, instead of just one special episode, you'll now have the pleasure of enjoying two of them! 

And that's not all – there's another surprise in store. Initially, I had planned for 25 episodes in the "Night Classes" series, but I've decided to extend it to 30 episodes. This allows me to wrap up the story satisfyingly. 

Now, let's dive into this episode itself. Brace yourself for a truly unique experience! You'll get to reconnect with a young couple you haven't seen since 2020, and there are plenty of other surprises waiting for you too. I won't spill the beans any further, but trust me, it's going to be a real treat.

Make sure you don't miss out on this episode – it's going to be something special
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