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Not Tonight Honey

Mar 22, 2023
"Hmm these creatures really seem fascinating. I wonder how reliable these accounts are. Either way they must've been pretty daunting to come across.." Rosa pondered quietly in her mind as she read through an old small tome. The dusty pages were very fragile and she had to take great care when handling them.

On the other side of the stone walls, silent steps made their way through the hallway towards her chamber. Stopping just outside of the door, the mysterious figure grabbed the handle and turned it down very slowly. Fearing the potential creaking, the visitor pushes on the door just a bit to peer into the room. Seeing the royal advisor standing with her nose in the book, a grin takes over her face. Raising her hand past the door, pointing right into a large bucket of water.

With a slight motion of the figures hand, a faint glow appears in the water and a large amount of water starts rising upwards. Then, the moment seems perfect and with a sudden fling the stream of water rushes towards Rosa. But before it can reach her she quickly turns her arm to face it and the water is stopped by an magical shield and splatters all over the floor. With her plan thwarted, the figure steps fully into the room, disappointed of her failed endeavor.

"Hey! You really knew I was coming?? Dawn shouted as she revealed herself.

"Hihi, of course I knew silly!" Rosa turned towards her and giggled. "I saw you tried to pull it off on Kiara this afternoon so I had a feeling I should keep my eyes out"

"Uh, should've known I'd be wasting my time with you. It's so hard to prank you!" Dawn pouted as she walked over to her lover, avoiding the puddles her antics had made.

Rosa looked at her and gave her waist a gentle jab. "Hihi, you're so cute when you pout. But remember, it does make those times when you do succeed more memorable. Anyway, have you seen this?"

The two sat next to the roaring fireplace, as Rosa showed her findings while Dawn listened and plotted to improve her next prank!


Guess it's pretty hard to prank your lover when they can see into the future^^' Weeeeell, can't blame Dawn for not trying at least! :D Perhaps next time she needs to choose her target more carefully! Giving Rosa some time to shine as well, since it's been a while since she appeared in a render. As always let me know what you think and stay awesome!


Canon in Universe
Daz Studio Iray - Postwork in Photoshop
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