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On the edge of faling out

May 11, 2024
Hello Friends!
This is a image from my high quality, fully voiced (by yours truly) audio/image series called TEMPTATION. Series is presented in episodic video format which features a purple hair girl called Claire who, after a series of events, finds love and sexual interest in her husband’s grandfather. Series is mainly focused on telling a deep and engaging porn story between a younger woman and a much older man, rather than immediate action or animations which are straight to the point. If you like that kind of content be sure to check links to full episodes below! 
Released Episodes:

You can also join my SubscribeStar for exclusive benefits:
-All episodes in 4K resolution
-Additional 4K version without subtitles
-All images from each video will be available as separate downloads
-Access to released episodes three days before public release
-Access to detailed (subscriber only) updates on upcoming episodes 

You can follow me on Twitter as well for regular updates on the project: 

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