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Paladin and the Mirror 15

Mar 22, 2019

As he had been rubbing his hard engorged fat and long shaft in between her legs, she couldnt help but to become more and more wet within herself. 

he felt her warmth and wetness onto his shaft, then taking a hold of her right leg, lifting it up by the thigh, and angling his thick cock

towards her pussy.

And with just one thrust and a snarl at her, he pried open her pussy, causing all the pent up juicyness to leak out of her onto the floor forming a small puddle on the carpet, and causing her

stomache to distend with his very size.

“Ha! Seems you might be enjoying this hu Paladin?”

“No! unhand me now!”

She would proclaim, yet, her bodies warmth and her wetness would only betray her.

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