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Public Shaming series (The Mall Thief)

Nov 18, 2021

Crissy didn't think twice about getting caught stealing at the mall.  After all, she'd done it a few times before, and usually the mall security was always too slow to catch her.  But this time was different.  Now that the new Public Shaming Laws were in effect, every person at the mall was eager to chase the fleeing thief.  She didn't stand a chance as throngs of people tackled her to the ground.  The next thing she knew was that she was being led outside where they stripped her of all her clothes in front of hundreds of onlookers.  It was then that she was made to get on her knees while they harnessed her to a steel pole.  She would have to spend the next ten days out there for people to laugh at and take pictures.  They would of course take her in at night, but the process would begin again first thing the next morning.  The mall wanted to crack down on thieves and this was there go-to solution.  

It was quite effective.  Crissy decided that she would never steal again.  There were too many pictures online to remind her of her ordeal.


Hi everybody, this is part of my Public Shaming Series that I do.  It's one of my favorite themes to do. (That and tentacles!  Weee!)  Anyway, I will be posting more of them soon so stay tuned.  :)


For over 550 images and comics, please support me on and Gumroad.  Thanks

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