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Purgatory 2022

Feb 12, 2021

Just a bunch of naked demons standing around a beach house. Pretty normal for these parts.

The problem with Earth is they equate us all, label us all, as evil. Sounds typical, doesn't it? Take an entire group or race and label them as evil just because one does not agree with them, or like what they look like. We are the damned, the ones tortured by Hellfire, the ones twisted into these nightmarish forms - victims of a power structure built by an elite power structure.

The entire concept of hate is built on the feelings of a lack of power. An inability to change. Hopelessness. So humans, naturally, blame others for why their life sucks so much. And the sinister among you channel this hate into violence which they use as a tool of power. You are being played as suckers if you buy into the hate game. Fools.

Lucifer, the original "rebel," fell from Heaven and started a slavery operation based on torture and suffering, a pyramid scheme based on the guilt humans have for their sins. This is Hell. All "rebels" do that, don't they? Sell out and become worse than what they hate.

I have no guilt, therefore, I have no sin. I am free.

And thusly, free from hate. Perhaps I escaped Hell because I freed my mind first.

Those who see me as a monster can go to Hell. I may show them around.


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