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PZ71 Leena And Ally After Bikini Shopping pt.1

Jun 19, 2024
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You already know Leena. Now meet her best friend Ally. Ally is recently divorced and they have decided to relive their youth on a holiday abroad just like they did when they were in their early 20s. Sun, sea and sex is what they aim for, not necessarily in that order, and picking up guys half their age. They still have a few weeks before they go away and they have been shopping for some beachwear. As they come back home to Ally's they find her son David and his best friend Johnny hanging out by the pool so they decide to change into their new bikinis and join them. The weather is lovely and warm and everyone is having a nice time. The sex starved Ally starts flirtig with Johnny and when he seems to respond Leena decides that they shoudld be left alone and she takes David with her inside to as she says "make some cold drinks" for them.
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