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Raver chronicles Part 1

Apr 27, 2020

Disclaimer:  All characters present are at least 18 years old. 

Introducing two new characters!

Matty: a futa with a horse cock.  She's actually the sweetest   :)  She tries to hide her cock, feeling different and ashamed of it.  She's incredibly sensitive.

Vixen:  Big titty goth rave girl with a sharp wit and an even sharper tongue.   She's one of the only girls that can stand up against the twins.  Also one of their only "friends".

The Rave chronicles!  The twins invited Vixen to join them to "Lovefest", a famous annual music festival.  To their surprise they see a cute girl with an incredibly hung horse cock, dancing like no ones watching.  Vixen and Tracey argue over who gets to talk to her first, but to their surprise, Trish makes the first move. 

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