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Rebekkah is led to a new task

Apr 25, 2022

Thomas Tergel’s Obedience School: Holding Out

Rebekkah is led to a new test. Rebekkah’s Master had enrolled her into Obedience School mainly for her lack of cocksucking prowess and refusal to swallow cum. However since at Obedience School, she had sucked dick like an insatiable whore. Here she’s brought blindfolded to a large cock which she’ll gladly suck. Unknown to her though, is her Master was also summoned to witness it - to see if she slobbered over his cock like she had been doing at school.

I’m done with this chapter… But I’m afraid that I won’t be selling it. I put about 500-700 hours into each of these chapters. I sell about 70-100 comics per month… but then I see thousands of free downloads of my comics on pirate sites. So, I’m done. I will create these for my pleasure and a few faithful fans, and occasionally post a frame or two; plus I’ll do some contract work. Thank you to those who have supported me and enjoyed my work. I hope you all understand.

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