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RIP my hard drive

Apr 13, 2023
I haven't actually lost anything (thank Satan) all my Daz stuff is on my external drive and I have backups of mostly everything else I do. But it's been a massive damn headache getting stuff off the old drives with SystemRescue and writing a Windows ISO to a USB which randomly failed to work most of the time and trying to install Windows 10 (which is utter and complete BOLLOCKS btw) and getting BSOD after BSOD supposedly related to drivers but I had installed all the drivers and finally saying fuck it and going back to my trusty old Win7 ISO but then still spending several hours just getting it back to 2% of my familiar old setup including finding the EXACT GODDAMN Nvidia driver that doesn't make Daz 4.14 crash. In conclusion, fuck computers let's all go back to slide rules.

Anyway my characters are mourning my old drive and Juno showed up too from Juno's Task by jojozz, you should all check out that game it's awesome I'm going to go play video games now
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