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Rule Breaker (Lana)

Jun 13, 2020

The email for the invite to naked mountain climbing said, "no phones."

Yet, there is a phone.

Well, somebody broke the rules. It was a girlie phone so it was probably Lori.

It takes Lana a fraction of a second to realize she could, maybe, possibly, grab it before it falls hundreds of feet in the ocean. This would be just like that vase she grabbed while in Germany when Lorna dropped it and it fell straight by her and she reached out and the entire group breathed a sigh of relief a thousand-year old priceless piece of history didn't end up in pieces itself.

She judges the arc and knows she has to be over one ledge to have a chance. The phone also popped up into the air, so it takes a moment to hang up there and then begin its downward path.

She turns to Lexi and yells, "If I lose my grip, catch me."

Lexi stares at her in horror, knowing instantly what is happening. She doesn't protest, she trusts Lana's judgement, and follows her into action.

They both knew their moms will be taking care of the gunman. They had to trust them. One second left, one chance to snag the phone out of mid-air.

Lexi says, "Got your back."

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