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Secrets - Karim

Jun 26, 2021

Karim was regretting his decision to buy two redhead princesses from Mukuziani. Younger was easy to handle and very submissive, but older was difficult. She did her best to make trouble and find ways to create confusion. She was not used to caning but made resistance and difficulties, although she knew she would get punished. The girl was not afraid of pain. That was not bad but made her taming difficult. Karim already guessed that even a long way from B'tumi to Goris would not kill her spirit. It would not matter how stubborn that girl was. Karim knew that Svengar would pay good gold for her and her sister.

One morning, shortly after the caravan continued its way, Karim realized that redhead sisters were missing. There was trouble between local girls, and they took the attention of the guards. Johan was supposed to take redhead princesses to the head of the column, but they were not there. Karim didn't make a big noise. He took a horse and ride around the caravan to see where the missing girls were. Karim asked Johan to stop the caravan and camp. Karim didn't say that girls were missing or gave any other explanation. It was just simple command. Then he rides in the direction they come from.

In the morning, when the caravan was prepared to move, Doucette and Dulcinea were together. They were kept alone from local girls to avoid trouble. That was because local girls were jealous. After all, they got some special treatment on the way because of their exotic appearance. When one of the guards took them and guided them to the head of the column, there was a fight between local girls. Doucette or Dulcinea didn't understand what the trouble was.

Suddenly they were left alone. Nobody locked Doucette's chain or cuffed their hands. Instead, everybody was busy with the fight. Finally, Doucette decided to move away from the caravan slowly. Dulcinea didn't agree with her sister, but she said only once that she didn't agree. They were linked with chains, naked and in the foreign surrounding. For Dulcinea, escape sounded like certain death. Doucette took the sword with her, and they hid behind a small hill among the grass and waited until the caravan departed.

Caravan left without them. They made their way away from the road to the mountains. Doucette was sure they would find something that would help them. They needed clothes and tools to open their collars. She had noticed that collars were locked only with the simple bolt, and they were easy to open. Doucette was full of hope, but Dulcinea was more pessimistic. She was sure they would be discovered and punished very hard.

When the rider appeared from the horizon and they failed to hide, Dulcinea was paralyzed in fear. Doucette was willing to fight. It was a lonely rider, not a big search party, and she knew she would have the chance to win. Then they would also have a horse. Her surprise was big when arrival was the Caravan Master. Man who bought them from Mukuziani and who planned to sell them in some strange city. Doucette would be happy to hit her sword to his skin.

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