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Self Initiation

Apr 08, 2021

Maybe you remember Dr. Megan comic, I started it a few years ago (2018, wow!) and it was intended as a prequel of The Experiment series.

After the first 25 pics, which can be found on my website, I stopped the development to work on The Experiment series because I wanted a global overview of the whole story.

Well, now that I'm going to release The Experiment Chapter Four, I remastered the old pics of Dr. Megan, created 30 new pics, and reworked the text, making an almost complete new comic, now called Self Initiation!

As mentioned before, Self initiation is a prequel story that happens before the events of The Experiment series, and it contains something that can let you enjoy the upcoming TEC4 to the fullest.

But that's just the first reason why I recommend reading it!

Next are because it's FREE and because you can get it right now!

I hope it will make the wait of TEC4 more bearable...just a little bit, at least! :D

Get it from your favorite store!


Miki :*

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