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Sex Roulette 0302a

Jun 16, 2021

“I think he is trying to steal our ship,” Tessi says.

“What?” Alexi says. “No! Why would I do that?”

“As a security expert,” Elise says, “I would tend to agree. Perhaps he was bringing this back to his country for some medal of heroism. They are this world’s easy bad guys everyone blames everything on.”

“What?” Alexi says. “Of course, everyone blames everything on us! It is way easier to blame the bad guys Hollywood doesn’t get cancelled for picking on. And then they blame us for all the stuff they are guilty for! Russia is the ultimate mirror, anything you blame us for you are guilty of.”

“Weak,” Tessi says. “He’s guilty.”

“I could ask where you got all of the things for this ship!” Alexi says. “You accuse me of stealing, but in fact, if what I say is true, then you stole the parts from this ship from someone else and are in fact now shifting your misdeeds onto me!”

“It is so remarkable that him being a bad guy would say that,” Elise says. “Because you know what bad guys do? They lie all the time and try and trick the good guys. So we can safely assume everything he says is the opposite. Just like a mirror. He stole the parts and he is blaming us for his misdeeds.”

“What?” Alexi says. “This is the first time I saw this ship! How could I steal parts for something I never was involved in building?”

“So, you are admitting you built this?” Tessi says. “I think we need to interrogate him.”

“Hey, Kim,” Elise says. “Photographer girl? Help us get him ready for the interrogation, or you can dive into Tessi’s butt which you seem to be so fond of back there.”

“What?” Kim says. “No! I am not supposed to get involved! I am just photographing this! What is it about this stupid series where the Sexy Ghost Hunters have to get pulled in as sex toys to any scene Hunter draws out of that stupid deck of magic cards of hers?”

“Because it is fun?” Tessi says.

Elise nods. “Because you are a hot little thing?”

“Again,” Alexi says. “I did not steal the parts for this. I did not build it. Nor did I intend on stealing it.”

“Sounds like a confession to me,” Tessi says. “Now what we you going to do with this starship? Where were you going?”

Kim sighs. “What the hell is wrong with this series? I am putting out ‘a’ but keeping b-g for supporters. Jeeze. You pervs.”

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