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Sex Roulette 0303a

Jun 18, 2021

“Tracy,” Tessi says as she grabs Kim, “take over or you are next.”

“Um, okay,” Tracy says from behind the camera. “I don’t think Hunter wants the photographers involved in the series…”

“Does it look like either Kim or I care?” Tessi smiles. “And this is a Space Amazon thing. When we have sex, everyone has sex.”

“That is kind of a strange rule,” Tracy says. “But okay, I got eight of these so far, I will put out one for everyone and give the rest to supporters.”

“Good girl,” Tessi says.

“You are not,” Alexi says, short of breath, “taking us to the Space Amazon world and using us for sex servants, are you?”

Tessi shakes her head. “So that was your plan? Well, if you think you can trick us into not doing that, you are sorely mistaken.”

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