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Sister Of Darkness (Jailynn)

Feb 24, 2021

"Vex, I write to thee and your infinite wisdom to thank you again for moving the Fallen Sisterhood to the Sinful Monastery. We have created a wonderful temple of darkness in the Underside for them to reside in, and we shall keep the outside world from knowing of their presence. To have the Sisters of Darkness beneath us and watching over us with their great magics gives my heart a sense of solace and peace in this world given to madness, sin, and rampant theft.

The world shall never know they live beneath a Monastery of kind-hearted Sisters, and of course, the good and noble Sisters of the Inner Sanctum who worship you and your Sex Cult. Including myself.

Fallen Sister Jailynn was the first to arrive, calling for me in the dead of the night as you said she would, and I rushed to the gates of the Outer Sanctum to make sure none seen her, nor anyone up the mountain path leading here. Before I could run up the stairs to the gate tower, she teleported through the front gates in a puff of black smoke that moved like a wisp of smoky tendrils, almost instantly and in the blink of an eye!

She introduced herself and said she said she served you, giving me the Black Incantation she said would identify her, as you sent to me. No one saw her, and we proceeded to the Inner Sanctum, and then deep within the bowels of the mountain beneath.

I understand those who transform, like her, either partially or fully, gain the knowledge of ancient arcane powers and magic in return. To say I have saw nothing on this Earth as I witnessed her do in the Undercity's halls is no understatement! Runes that glowed. Energy and power dripping from her hands like liquid fire. Eyes that glowed with hellfire. Within the hour, at Midnight, the gate to Hellhold was opened and the rest of the Fallen Sisterhood joined her and made themselves comfortable.

All of them transformed in beautiful, wonderous ways. It was as if a Gothic cathedral's walls came to life and walked about. I was scared at first, but they all swore a Soul Bond Oath to you, so my fears went away because I trust you. And I love you. They were monsters, but they were our monsters.

And I brought her to her chambers, and we made love for you. I love stroking her horns as she attends to me. She is beautiful. I fear I am falling in love with her, as I am you.

May Lust deliver us from darkness,

Mother Superior, the Black Sister, Giada."

The story of the Sinful Covenant is being down mostly as exclusives for supporters over on our joint supporter account, but the world needed to know of the transformation art I create with my wonderful followers, the Sisters of Light, and these magnificent Sisters of Darkness.

And oh yes, if this world wishes pain upon me, they shall have it returned to them six-hundred and some odd times in return. Nobody messes with Hell.



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