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So proud of my mom.....

Jun 09, 2024
I can't believe how hot my mom is at 42. She accidentally added me to her Whatsapp group and seems to be sending selfies.
She's hopeless when it comes to phones and needs to get contact lenses. She's lucky it's me she sent this too. 
Her boob job (paid for my "Uncle" Jake) has really made a massive change on her personality. He also pumped money into
her shop, so I can't complain about the guy. I never had a father, he never tried to be one, also telling me he was there for me
if I ever needed "man advice". But how could I tell him I was starting to look at mum in a way I'd never dreamed of? 
Wait!!! Who the hell is that guy!??? That's not Uncle Jake!! WTF is going on!? My mum isn't like this!! 
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