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Sophia reformation 1

Oct 26, 2022

(Story set in a caricaturally patriarchal society, where girls are conditioned since childhood to be subservient to men, and are firmly held in this subservience, by force if necessary, even though it's generally not needed, as education, cultural norms and conformism are powerful tools.)

It had been for long observed that jail is poorly suited for young female delinquents, especially those who never committed any crime before (with the exception, of course, of political dissidents). If anything it tends to turn into hardened criminals girls who could have become again productive and moral members of society. That's the reason why eventually a law was passed, allowing an alternative to prison : reformation. The delinquents would be entrusted, for a period of generally two years, to notable citizens of notorious good morality. They would provide unpaid, generally menial, work, such as domestic servant or field worker, and would be given the opportunity to learn from these upstanding men honesty, morality, and proper behavior. During this period, the caretaker would act as the delinquent legal gardian, with full authority. Despite the fact that the indemnity received for providing this guidance was a pitance, many men selflessly agreed to participate in this program, showing that generosity and abnegation aren't dead.

5 grams of a forbidden intoxicating substance had been found in Sofia's dorm. She denied even knowing it was there. But the other girls denied as well, suggesting that it could have been left behind by a visitor. Faced with the impossibility to prove who was the guilty party, if any, the judge had little choice but to apply the well known adage : " It's better that ten innocent females be wrongly punished than one guilty female go free", and all four were sentenced. However, showing great leniency despite the seriousness of the charge, he sentenced Sofia only to reformation, taking into account the fact that she had never committed any offense before, and that several males of good standing had vouched for her usually good behavior.

Sofia had been told that her tutor would be a middle-aged, half retired, man living in a secluded house in the mountains, and that she would be his maid during her period of reformation. He had already successfully helped several delinquents with reintegrating society, they said. He had selected her from publicly available files including photos, life history, detailed psychological and personality tests results, complete medical history, virginity certificate, physical exercise test results, moral and civic education certificates, grades, experience, competences and skills, observed attitude during incarceration, and of course the crimes she had been guilty of.

Sofia was brought to Mr Hartman's house. From the truck, she briefly saw her new custodian from a distance, as he was exchanging with one of the correction officers. Mr Hartman disappeared into the house with the officer, and she was led inside, into the what seemed to be the living room. Her prison uniform was taken away "since she was now again an almost free girl". Unfortunately, as a criminal, it wasn't the first time now that she had to stand entirely naked in front of men, but it wasn't something she could get accustomed to. The correction officers left, and she waited alone for Mr Hartman, extremely ashamed at the idea that the first sight her mentor would have of her would be of a naked girl, instead of a young female dressed in a properly modest way.

Sofia was impatient to be able to cover herself, but Mr Hartman informed her of his belief that the second most important quality for a girl (after obedience, of course) was humility and that being kept naked was a very powerful tool to make girls humble. As a result she wouldn't be allowed clothes during her service. "But don't worry, there are hardly anybody around these parts, almost nobody will see you" added Mr Hartman, who was checking up Sofia's body with a leecherous glance. Despite being extremely embarrassed and utterly ashamed at the prospect of staying naked at all times in front of this man, Sofia, who was a polite and well behaved girl, sincerely thanked him for caring so much about her moral improvement.

The painting in the background is "A caravan" , by famous orientalist painter Otto Pilny.
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