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Thank you +50!

Mar 09, 2021

Wow! When we first started on this journey we had no idea what would happen. But here we are with something over 50 watchers on Slushe!

Luna and the rest of the production team were so excited they decided to make an emergency photoshoot just for you as a ‘thank you’ for all those who have joined our adventure.

As of now, we are 200% committed to continue creating content on this space, giving it our all and keeping up with our high standards, as you deserve nothing less than the best we can be.

And remember, if you have any questions or comments for Luna, Sadie or the production team, just drop us note! We love to hear from you.

Stay tuned, as the world of The Hex will expand. New characters and settings are in development for you to feast your eyes upon.

Over and out, sexy agents.

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