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The Blues (Felicia)

Aug 18, 2021

More notebook paper, college-ruled, and I found a college bookstore receipt I need to follow up on. I need a private detective I swear for this work, I wonder where I can find one? Preferably sexy and into bondage with a permanent hot look on her face, but I will take what I can get. Regardless, the notes are as follows:

“I think about the stars, of places beyond the sky.”

“Times I wonder what their lives were like. To have lived that life. And to become your dreams.”

“The more I do, the more I feel I am her.”

“Some say we are all going mad together. I have given up on this existence. I want to be the person in my dreams, not the person who goes home and spends her time alone, listening to the cars on the freeway.”

“What Mike says is true. I do feel younger. Everyone looks it. A side effect? Or are we seeing things?”

“There was a shooting star in the sky last night. It stopped in one place. It disappeared. All of us stood there on the beach waiting for it to come back. Maybe next time.”

“If I make sex to another puppet I am going to have to change my gender preference to muppet. Loves partners with a hand up their ass. When people ask what I do for work I say performance artist.”

“There are things I hide from my therapist. Lots.”

“Seen one of the monsters on set stare at me as I walked by. Eyes moved. Crew must be fucking with me again. Or Jean Paul is back.”

“I don’t know what her life would be like. She is immortal. Ever young. They all are. Nobody knows why. This is the way it was written. But still human. Not weak, we can kick ass, but nothing ever goes our way. I am resigned to the fact every space alien in existence wants to screw us, but seriously, why Earth girls? Who knows? Part of the spell? Or is it a curse?”

“Been talking with Kylie. She thinks it is a curse. Something about who we are makes the aliens do this, and then they lose a part of their soul when they do. In exchange, we never get old and we never die. So I told her, we are basically reverse succubus with the same outcome? She thinks the monsters too, somehow summoned from the nether. From nightmares. And we steal souls.”

“I tell her these are just movies for perverts.”

“Mike walked by and said that is the secret of the universe.”

Then, it ends there. It looks like they were out on a night shoot. They were definite hard workers, I tell you that. Both in work ethic and how they leave their viewers.


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