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The Courtesan Program Xeliana

May 22, 2021

Melcinítan thought back to his days as the Fleshgrafter in the Courtesan program, a time where his powers,

Where practically unconstrained.
Unlike under the Paladin Program, where he
is heavily constrained into what body shapes and minds he is allowed to create. Knowing though this to be for the best, for both him, and his subjects.
Yet he couldnt help to think back to the Courtesan program days.

The first girl he thought of was a beautiful girl in his eyes, sculpted her body to rather rediclious proportions in comparison to today. Where girls akin to Tainlee where the upper limit in body sizes.

The girl Xeliana she was given to him as an orphaned prostitute selling her body for her daily needs to simply survive in some backwater town.

Remembering back to her
body, sculpted by him to have a voluptuous body shape, and how he had given her orders to never cover her chest. After giving her simply humongous sensitive tits.
And piercing her nipples with barbels, and her shapely big round rear, broad hips.

Setting the colors of Pink, and lighter purples in her mind as her new favoured colors.

Yet a cute face, and dying her blond hair while tied up in a twin tail in purple pink dye.

Her image starting to form in his mind, leaving him nostalgic and longing back to this girl.

He had enjoyed hearing her screams of pain and pleasure under his hands while making her into those schapes. Yet, oddly she from the very beginning had loved his tinkering to her, to
her body, shaping her.

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