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The Master Control Program at the Office - Preview Version

Aug 09, 2023
Plot: You are working in the IT Department of a large company. Currently, the department is short-staffed and you have complained about that to your boss who just now called you into her office. She has hired somebody to help you... her bratty daughter who knows shit about computers! As if the day could not get any worse you get a call from this annoying lady in HR about computer troubles just as you discover some strange program called the MCP on your work computer. It displays pretty accurate stats when you enter people's names in there... what a strange app... You quickly change something and get on your way to HR to fix some computers... When you get there... Miss Simmons looks exactly the way you changed her in the MCP! How is this possible?! The program is more than a fancy employee database! How and on whom will you use the MCP next when you get back to your computer... if... you get back to your computer! :P

This is a preview, showing one path/ending of the interactive PAI "The Master Control Program at the Office". The full story includes ~29 endings over 330 pages. It is interactive, meaning on certain pages you can make decisions and progress the story accordingly. The full story is in PDF Format.

It's available over my Patreon for PAI Supporters or for purchase in my Gumroad-Shop:
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