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The Truth

Apr 22, 2022

Kota had just got back from work and wanted some peace and quiet, so when she saw Lyn having a little play date with his new boyfriend, in the middle of the front room, it made her roll her eyes...

"Didn't I tell you keep this stuff in your room, cum stains are a pain to get out of the carpet in here, and that boy looks ready to burst!"

"Oh, Lars totally isn't like that" Lyn said, but the tone in his voice was one that no one in their right mind would believe.

Kota shook her head as Lars' boner clearly showed he was exactly like that, and walked off into her room. Taking her work gear off, she changed into a loose nightgown and her slippers, before heading back out to make a drink and have a smoke on the balcony. She always enjoyed the cool breeze against her body, when she wanted to get a little peace, and tonight she needed some relaxing, so she let her gown slip open, as there weren't any houses that could see her, not that that would have stopped her really.

As she stood there, she saw a shadow appear at the glass door behind her, and was about to tell Lyn to go back to his room, but she turned and saw it was Lars, fully made up, his lipstick shimmering, and his face in awe as he was staring at her body, which made her smile, so she reached over and opened it.. "Come on out, it's a nice night"...

"I, ummm, I saw...", Lars said as he hesitated, and that made her laugh, shrugging her nightgown off...

"Saw what, pretty girly boy?".. she asked, as the boy's eyes looked down at her, his lips moving in that special way when someone sees something that makes them hungry, so she continued... "Do you want to touch it?"

Lars nodded his head emphatically, and in the blink of an eye, he was kneeling in front of Kota, cradling and kissing her dick, his face looking so happy as he caressed her thick meat. 

Kota looked up from him, and saw Lyn holding a piece of paper up against the window - 'Yeah, Lars is totally not gay!' -  written on it in lipstick, which made her snort with laughter and nod, before turning her attention back to Lars just as he opened his mouth wide and began slurping...

Maybe she was going to get that relaxing after all....

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