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The Twelve Venoms - Phosgene

Aug 31, 2019


Planar, Baatezar female Lvl 5/8 Fighter/Executioner

Alignment: LE

Poison Ability: Her breath is a poisonous fume that can instantly kill any mortal.


The second commoner of the Hellish realm to join Lithia's crew had been killing indiscriminately for over a century.  She was an expert at slaying anything and everything that got her way.  Over the years, she'd trained in an assortment of planes of existence, battled demons in the Abyss, worked as a hired assassin in Sigil, chased down bounties on the elemental plane of fire, and worked as a mercenary fighting the Slaad in Limbo.  When the War in Hell began, Phosgene returned home to take up her astral blade against the forces of the ruling Lords.  When it ended she held yet another laurel of death, having slain over a thousand enemy forces in single combat.  Her raw muscle, bloodthirsty ways, combined with her over-the-top herm sensuality put her in Lithia’s immediate good graces.


Outside of her killer reputation and killer good looks, Phosgene is really just a down home, country girl at heart.  She literally carries an air of fresh mowed grass and soft country sunshine everywhere she goes.  That aura is really just a smoke screen for her truly vicious side, a mass murderer who revels in the killing.  When she isn’t showing of her muscles, tits and cock, she dresses down in all black for her killing sprees.  Off duty, with a little shapeshifting, you would be able to tell her from the busty barmaid at the inn down the lane.

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