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Nov 02, 2020

At long last his wife left town on a business trip. Now was the opportunity that he and Cathy had "threatened" to do something about. Both their spouses were out of town at the same time giving them the chance for a couple of nights together.

It was quite the satisfying evening. The sex was more than he hoped for as Cathy played out all her threats.

He woke up feeling quite satisfied. He reached for her but remembered that she had left around 3 am.

Whatever joy he had been feeling at the thrilling night he had evaporated as soon as he got up and went to the bathroom.

His cock was gone.

In its place was a pussy. One he recognized instantly because he had been pounding it and licking it the night before.

He had Cathy's pussy.

His cell phone rang and her stumbled back into the bedroom to answer it. It was Cathy.

"Let me in, I'm at the backdoor," Cathy's voice growled.

He pulled on some clothes and headed down to let her in.

She was a mess.

She was crying and shouting.

"Why do I have you dick?" she said.

She pulled it from beneath her skirt and hehad to admit it looked way bigger on her.

"And why is it so big? Do you have my..." she asked and grabbed him by the waist of my jeans.

She stripped him before he could protest and glared at her pussy on his body. He watched as his cock grew.

"Make it stop doing that," she demanded.

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