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When your droid cums a delicious cocktail

Aug 23, 2023
This is my upload number 70 and the last one I will do. Doing these renders takes a lot of fucking time!! 

This was a good experience to understand how the 3DX world works. But honestly, in my opinion, the amount of time you have to give away to do it only makes sense if you get paid for it. That means that doing 3DX becomes your job and I'm not interested on reaching that point.

I got a lot of respect for those artists that do this as a job... the ones that make videos are just mad... I can't imagine how much time they spend on those. There's a lot of passion for this art out there, so again, mad respect.

Well... it was fun while it lasted, it was nice to see that some of my renders spread to other websites too.
Also, being featured here a bunch of times and getting thousands of views was crazy, so... thanks to everyone that saw/liked/favorited my renders!

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