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Wrasslin (Shana, Derica)

Jan 11, 2020

Yee haw!

She reaches for her gun and I reach for Cowgirl Shana, and the rodeo is on! We're grabbin' and squirming and wrasslin' like two cowpoke horny toads! I tricked you!

So after a little while of gropin' and wrestling Cowgirl Shana squirms a whole lot then lets out a mighty holler! I guess this is what bronco bustin' is like!

Bree runs up and says, "Derica! What are you doing???"

I blink, work furiously, and look at her, "Well, rubbing worked for Genie!"

Genie nods and smiles like she is guilty or something. Oh Genie!

Cowgirl Shana suddenly goes limper than a rope left out in a rainstorm then heaves for breath. Then, she plants a kiss on my helmet too! She says, "Dang naqbbit' Derica! I sure have never been in a fight like that. I reckon you plum beat me. I guess I gotta hang up my spurs and ride off into the ole' sunset now..."

"No!" I say. "If I win I get to decide what you have to do! It is the Law of the Old West!"

"Well, shucks, if you put it that way," she says, "what would y'all have me do?"

"First!" I say, "you gotta be my friend!"

Shana smiles and nods. "I reckon' that might just be more fun than a barrel of monkeys. If your toungin' is like your rubbin' we are gonna have loads of fun. You gots yourself a deal. What else?"

I say, "We have to ride into a town full of outlaws and rescue a damsel in distress!"

"Dang nabbit! Now why didn't you plum say that in the first place?" Shana says. "I would have helped you rescue a purdy lady for durn near free! Now I gotta know something, how did a slippery fox like you get the drop on me?"

I smile and blow on my glove. "I got a sticky trigger finger."


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