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Zaidi and Gidar

May 17, 2024

Become a paid member to read the full mini comic, featuring our Fae princess and a horny librarian!

Get the full comic without text or watermark in 4K on Patreon! And become a paid Patron by May 31st to vote in the new mini comic poll!

  • Elle and Daleyza have a cozy night in
  • Jenny Mae and Rex get stuck on a Ferris wheel
  • Bastina gets rough with her wrestling partner
  • Kenya keeps Willy company

Early access and monthly mini comics also available on Patreon!

And you can read my other comics on Slushe:


Cara Loft:

Loft and Monsters (Issues 1-6)


Jenny Mae's Erotic Rise to Stardom!:

Jenny Mae Does a Horror Movie! (Issues 1-6)

Jenny Mae Does Modeling! (Issues 7-12)

Jenny Mae Does Metal! (Issues 13-18)

Jenny Mae Does Dance! - Part 1

Diana the Amazon:

Diana Begins (Issues 1-6)


Doctor Zaidi:

Cultures and Relics (Issues 1-6)

Intro to Medieval Architecture (Issues 7-12)

Advanced Dracology (Issues 13-18)

Beginner's Greek Mythology (Issues 19-24)

Conventional Work-study (Issues 25-30)

Thanks for reading!

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