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Sadie's Fall - Part 03

Aug 02, 2021

Previous part

The following is a 300+ pages illustrated story. all characters are over the age of 18, and the story surrounds two step-sisters that are not of actual blood connection. The story contains several dark parts and has different horror and violent aspects to it. None of which is for the purpose of cheap snuff, but rather, to depict the cruelty and merciless nature of the underground world of debauchery. The world is a fictional one, and it does not share our world's history or development.

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Inside Sadie's head, something else was taking place. She was in a dark space. What kept happening to her in real life translated into an extended hellscape in her dreams. But not in the aspect of pain, but purely from the visceral imagery. the taste of perversion and corruption. The universe itself raping her. Turning all of her pockets of comfort into diabolical instruments, part of the inhumane machination of her doom. As she was floating in the weightlessness of space, the only forces of gravity would be those between her and the different phallic objects that kept gravitating towards her. 

A symphony of domination, playing itself out on her own tender and helpless flesh. Corroding her sense of pride and purity.

Gnawing at the very foundation of her soul.

The falling of an angel.

Who knows where or how she will wake up. Her journey along the edge of life and death had marked her forever in a deep and irreversible way. 

When she would wake up, it would not be as herself, but as something new.

A Rebirthday

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Leaping towards the door, the surgeon was outta here. His mask slid down in the excitement. He'd made an effort to never show his face to anyone in the syndicate. That was of little concern now. 

I just attacked Chris, I'm so fucked! I gotta get to the car. I gotta get to junction B, if I get there before he catches me on his bike, then I'm out!

He had planned on ditching this life for some time, and now seemed like the perfect time to do so. Find a new place to do shady business.

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A man was walking towards the surgeon as he charged down the hallway. He had no time to ask nicely, he lifted the metal pipe and shouted "Get out of the way!".

The man didn't deviate from his path.

He was in a rush, so he revved up for an attack. 

If he gets a concussion then there are plenty of people here who can treat him!

He had no plans of holding back. 

What he didn't account for, was who it was he was about to swing at.

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The surgeon was swept up, making about as much of an impact as a fly on the windscreen.

With a firm grip around the throat of the doctor, the visitor walked towards the room where Chris and Sadie were at.

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Scratching his aching head, Chris looked over at the door where someone unexpected stood while sporting a big grin.

"Shit... Did that prick hit my head that hard, or am I actually seeing right?"

"Unfortunately, you're..." the visitor begun.

"Wait, what's with that smooth baby ass face?! Boltek, you changing style again?" Chris asked, the tone was falling into the familiar tone that they used to have when they worked together.

"Nah Chris, I just had to look sharp before the big-wigs at the Manor of Law in Taelmoore." He replied in a friendly tone. It was good seeing an actual friendly face. Boltek didn't enjoy the prospect of having many friends. But from familiarity over an extended period of time, Chris had become one.

"Ah, yeah. Thought you were taken down by the mountain of evidence and witnesses. How..." Chris realized that he didn't really care too much. The lack of enthusiasm was easily read by Boltek.

"Worry not about the details, my friend. I did what you asked when we chatted over the phone earlier. I never pegged you for the destructive one, but judging by the mess you left me at the studio... Could've fooled me."

Chris shook his head " Nah, it was just a lil' bit of rage. I'm fairly sure you would've done worse if he backstabbed you."

Boltek nodded casually.

"Thanks for fetching that one." Chris said and pointed to the ground where the surgeon was thrown.

"Well, I've been your garbage man all day. And..." Boltek stopped as he saw the unconscious body of Sadie.

"How about you pay me back with some quality time with..." He pointed at Sadie.

"Well, Trev just tried to murder her. So, gimme some time to check on her mental condition first, willya? You got time now that you're avoiding central." Chris told Boltek

"Heh, speaking of unconscious slut wearing a bodymesh suit... you should seen the hot piece of ass I did when in jail." Boltek bragged.

The two of them chatted it up for a while. Chris made sure never to mention Lira. He didn't quite trust Boltek Haggins. The man was extremely dangerous.

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Chris invited Boltek to feel the newly acquired goods, to which he happily agreed.

Discussing the future of the body they were groping and enjoying, it was a pleasant moment shared between the two.

Sadie began to make some enjoyable noises. 

"Hmm, can't help yourself, eh? Well, let's see what you got then." Chris challenged Boltek and stepped back. Wanting to see if he still had his 'touch'.

Boltek looked down grinning. 

"you're on," he said as he dug into her flesh.

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The notion of 'teasing' someone was at the foot of the mountain compared to the scale of which Boltek was toying with Sadie.

'The touch' means technique, usually. But to Boltek, this was a bit more literal. He had subdermal implants that, when triggered, enhanced his already masterful techniques. Tiny needles extruded from his fingertips, delivering a tiny bomb of a combination of electric shocks and chemicals. The moment he had turned them on, and got to work on Sadie, her entire body contracted in sudden delight and tension. Unconsciously raising her hips and bridging her body up, like her vagina desperately reaching for more. The fingers inside her mouth were both slowly asphyxiating her as well as delivering intense pleasure straight to her brain. A pathetic meat puppet junkie clinging to the high, wanting to drown in it.

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Boltek was laughing. The obscene sounds coming from Sadie were gurgling grunts and moans. 

"Hey Chris, I think this one is half pig or something. Listen to this degenerate sow." He kept laughing as Chris observed.

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He kept at it, he kept ruining Sadie over and over. Who knew how close she actually was to brain damage due to lack of oxygen. Maybe she already was damaged goods. But he didn't care. He was just a boy with his toy.

"Okay, okay. you've proven your point, Boltek. Don't kill her." Chris said in a restrained voice.

"Why?" Boltek asked, "why shouldn't I just kill her? Look at her. She's already dumb as a piece of bread." 

Chris took a hesitant step forward. Sadie's eyes were fluttering and one could almost only see the white in her eyes as they had rolled far up.

"Actually," Boltek continued, "I'll just kill her. You need to rid yourself of these weak things. stand above them, don't mingle. Pay it no more mind and care than that of your toolbox or your tie. Objects are just that, objects."

Chris' eyes were fixed at Boltek as he slowly made his way towards the man. If he was to stop him, then there would be some dangerous things happening. 

As he was about to lunge at Boltek, the man released Sadie.

"Just kidding, hah! You're such a stiff, you were actually about to attack me. You got balls. That hit you took to the head must've really messed you up. " His tone was light and jovial. Completely unaware of the fact that the life of this creature, this girl, was valuable to someone.

Sadie collapsed down again and trailed off into the darkness once more. Likely never to remember anything of what had just transpired. 

Little did she know, the next time she woke up, THREE things that she valued would be taken from her.

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Me... Just me... 

But it looks nothing like me.

Why couldn't it be me?

Maybe, maybe it's not me. Can't be.

Why would I be anything like that? 

I can't do anything. If that were me, I would be able to blink.

Nothing. Good. That thing isn't me. 



But then, where am I? 

Sadie's thoughts were interrupted as a voice demanded her to stay taciturn.

"You will not question why you are wearing these clothes, you will not ponder on your new style. Your new proportions will be natural and will not warrant a second thought. If a man says anything to you, or if a man indicates or seems to need something from you, you will do everything in your power to help that man out. Men are above you. They are your betters, your superiors. You are nothing in comparison. " The voice felt so familiar and close, the words spoken weren't a suggestion, or even commands. They were the laws of the universe. A feeble nod to show that she was paying attention is all that she could muster. The gravity of the man's tone was so important, she didn't dare to invoke its wrath by taking this lightly. 

"You may want to take smaller steps." Sadie nods again.

Everything felt so distant, the only thing of real texture was the voice of the man. He had stopped talking. 

Footsteps of him leaving, getting into a car. 

"Oh, and wear this at all times!" He said as something was thrown onto the ground before her.

The car then drove off, leaving.

Sadie bends over to pick up the thing thrown on the ground.

A curious little thing. A collar by the looks of it. Black and pink.

She also notices another thing. She's wearing some really strange boots. But there's no way she would be able to walk in them. Forcing her feet into an insane angle, she's supposed to walk around like that.

The text on the collar seems to be lighting up in pink. It's a soothing hue.

I should probably put this on then.

She thought to herself. It just felt right.

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Sadie fashioned the collar around her neck. Spending a fair amount of time to get it just right. It had to be perfect.

It belonged there. 

It was still a strange state of mind that she was in, like grogginess that wouldn't really go away. She just went along with it, clarity is outside her reach, but it doesn't really bother her.

Now to find someone to assist. I should make myself useful. 

She would have to walk for a while to get to the city, the faint lights behind her were hard to get to. Not really familiar with her surroundings, she decided to follow the road. 

A strange sense of pride was filling her, giving her gait more bounce. For some reason, it felt completely natural to walk in these weird shoes. Her steps were tiny and slow, but she didn't mind. Her strut was surely amazing.

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The walk was long. She stopped a few times when she thought someone was watching. A little pose later and she realized it was nothing. It was a deeply felt frustration. This unspent purpose that was brimming inside of her, she was aching to let it out.

Excitement and anticipation painted her mind. 

Tip tappy tap, clip clappity clop, she tip-toed on. The sound of her heels was the only thing besides the sound of the wind that was greeting the rising sun.

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She found herself in a vacant basketball court. She thought she saw someone here. Standing around, she strutted her stuff, puffing her chest out.

A piece of meat looking for someone to devour it.

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A large shirtless man, a lumbering tower of a person, came up behind Sadie.

A confident hand grabbed her right arm and pulled her back.

"Y'look just like mah lil' girl. You must be looking for your daddy, huh?" He said while a few drops of spit shot from his mouth onto her face.

Like a little girl waking up on her birthday, a sudden thrill and excitement clouded her mind. She giggled happily as she enjoyed the warm feeling of his giant body against hers.

"It's a little sad, see? I ain't allowed to see mah baby girl no more. All I got are photos and angry voice mails from the one I gave my seed to. You feel so nice, though..." 

He was rambling on, a strange and slightly unstable man for sure, but he was looking for love, and she was ready to give.

"Mmmh. Your lips, they smell like the Popsicle mah princess loved to suck on." He was running his thumb over Sadie's lips. She was visibly shivering. She greeted the thick finger with a kiss from her tongue. 

He grabbed her chin forcefully.

"Look at me, girlie!" He said sternly. Sadie complied and stared into his cold and unfeeling eyes. She was so happy, it was written all over her face.

"I can't stay mad at you, girl. Even if y'do stay insultingly silent. heh..." He chuckled at the wheezing sound she was making as he was clenching on her windpipe.

Her complete disregard for her own safety gave him some amusement. It was like she was so dependent on others, that she had forgotten how to comprehend danger.

"You will come with me, and we will... What is this collar you're wearing?" He just realized she was wearing a collar with glowing text.

He bent her head back and read it at an angle.

"You're such a fucking whore. I thought you wanted a daddy, but you just want someone to fuck you. " His tone was both dismissive and disappointed. 

A strike at her heart, she felt the pain from his words dig into her. She whimpered and looked at him, begging him with her expression.

"So you're a horny mute, eh? I suppose I can pump you full of some medicine." He said as he shot a glob of spit into her open mouth.

Bliss coated her face once again as she could finally help relieve the man of his sexual frustrations.

The moment was finally here, she would serve!

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Like she was a stray pet, the giant man picked her up and began carrying her away. 

A funny feeling poked her ass as she giggled with surprise.

"I know where to take you, piggie." He said as he was taking Sadie away.

"Wave if you see someone." He commanded as he was walking. She nodded happily and looked around for any spectators. A couple of people did look their way, and when she waved, they looked away. Disappointing to Sadie, she wanted more people to compliment her. 

"Why are you walking around with this thing in your ass?" He wiggled her tail a little. Confused, she merely moaned in response. She had no idea what he was talking about, but he was making her feel good. She didn't really care. 

He must care enough to carry me, such a gentleman, she thought to herself.

He was carrying her in a strange way. She was sitting on his arm, one thigh on each side of it. Her wet pussy was grinding against his forearm.

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It was a long trip. She couldn't remember much of it, but finally. He was with her. And they were alone and ready. 

Eagerly she got close to the man. He didn't really say much as he was walking forward, pushing Sadie as she was squeezed between him and some shelves. 

His lower bulge pushed her breasts up. They were both standing, and she was already helping him in an intimate way. 

"I like you piggie. You are at the height of delight, y'know. Hands-free service should be your profession." He complimented her.

He was moving his hip, slowly. Up and down, in and out. The heat of the situation was melting her. She felt compelled to not do anything without his instruction. It was tormenting her.

"Look at me, whore. Look at me and speak one sentence of your choosing!" He commanded.

"please, shoot your load in my mouth, aw please" she responded. The words came from her very core, from her exposed heart. It was her very essence that was pleading for this.

"Such an attitude. I like you, piggie. Think of me as your daddy, for I will be here for you." He said with a warm voice as his thumb was pushing into her throat, slowly choking her. 

She was still leaning into it, bending her head, giving him full access to do whatever he felt like. Complete domination.

Staring into his eyes, cold as ever. Even while being showered with compliments and heartfelt promises, it was like he was soulless. She could just barely suppress a giggle of appreciation.

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He grew impatient and without much thought or concern, grabbed the back of Sadie's head with one hand, as the other one quickly undid his zipper.

"Do the math, pig-whore." He grunted aggressively as he made the concept of choice extinct.

She stood there, entranced, as the cock made its way through her cleavage and towards her mouth. 

This is it, this is it, this is me, this is ME,

her inner thoughts shouted at her, rewarding her with erotic sensation and purpose.

As she took him in her mouth, a million sparks ignited throughout her brain. 


She was such a tiny thing compared to this giant, she literally was standing while giving him a bj.

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As Sadie was drowning herself in the intoxication of being used, more light had begun to show itself.

The door creaked. Sadie froze. Someone was there.

"Oy, wait your turn, idiot!" The giant man roared.

Annoyed by the brief pause, he pushed Sadie's head down. A sputtering gulp before she was put into her place.

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"How much for a night with that one?" The voice asked boldly.

The big man took a moment, not letting Sadie come up for air.

"She's very well trained. She's not cheap..." The big man said with a sly grin.

As the two men discussed Sadie like a piece of merchandise, she felt her grasp on reality fade. The craziness of the situation was ravaging her mind. She was loving this.

A moment of absolute fulfillment. She was shining bright.

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"You got yourself a deal, Josh. 200 for a night with this premium piece of fuckflesh." He crudely congratulated the stranger at the door.

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The giant man walked over, dragging the blissful Sadie with him. With little thought, he tossed the whore over to the customer. 

A quick transaction later, and he found himself relieved and 200 credits richer. 

A loving spank on Sadie's ass to show his appreciation, he left the two of them to their business.

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Half an hour later, he had finally reached the warehouse. 

Josh was a supplier of furniture and tools aimed at a very exotic market.

It was there he had taken her, to where all his most devious and erotic wares were.

Sadie was enjoying the feeling of being carried. It was so nice, she felt like she was groceries being brought back home for consumption. 

Her heart was glowing. Such anticipation. 

I can't wait, we've finally reached our destination. I hope he has plans for me. I want him to use me to my fullest. So much to give... So much... love... to give.

She was drooling out of several places as she envisioned what was in store for her.

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"On your knees, present your goods, and introduce yourself!" Josh commanded. Sadie wasted zero time as she lowered herself down, beneath him, far beneath him. 

Down where she belonged, among the darkest dirt on the floor. The man was a giant, not necessarily in stature, but in presence. His very essence was that of a God. But she didn't want to waste his time. She got into position, made sure her legs were far apart, as she felt something poke at her most delicate area. She lifted her hands and grabbed the back of her own head, lifting the arms up high, giving her obscenely oversized mammaries full exposure.

She then opened her mouth invitingly. Giving him a good amount of time to examine the insides of her mouth before she spoke.

Trying to sound confident, her voice failed her as it cracked a little. "Pig whor... Pig whore reporting for duty. Full name is Sadie Louis. My measurements are the following: Breasts 84 cm, Waist 64 cm, Belly 66 cm, Hips 83 cm, Butt 89 cm, Height: 166 cm, and I we... I weigh 54 kg." She felt so proud. These cold and calculated numbers describe her worth. It was so demeaning to be reduced to nothing but numbers, but it felt amazing.

Josh smiled, he was quite impressed. 

He lit a cigarette, leaned back, and enjoyed the moment. Sadie stared at the cigarette, she needed it badly. So badly, her stomach was jumping all over the place. She was desperate.

Josh noticed.

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"I can share some of this with you," Josh said as he took a long and deep drag of the cigarette.

"But, I want something for it. I want you to dance and masturbate in front of me. you can have one drag of this. Deal?" He propositioned Sadie.

She nodded.

"But first, give me a better look. Hands on your ass, arch your back more, push your fat tits towards me. Chop chop!" He said impatiently.

Sadie stretched back and gave him what he wanted. The exhilaration from such a degrading act, and the one to come, she tried to hide her climax as her thoughts were enough to send a jolt through her porn-imbued body. It wasn't a success. Her eyes widened as her facade came crashing down. Eyes locked with Josh, she came hard as he stared right into her very being.

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Sadie began to move. Rolling back on her heels, she lifted herself up in a smooth and slow motion. As she stretched her legs out, she bent forward and completed the motion, ending in a provocative pose with her ass and tits both jiggling.

The pig tail was natural to her. She couldn't realize that something was wrong. It was like she had been born with one. She was a pig whore, so of course she would have a pig whore tail.

Her oily skin was glistening in the spotlight of Josh's light setup. He used the studio lights to take photos of his different wares to sell online, but they were perfect to brighten the skin of the witless whore that was trying to look sexy in front of him.

"Slap your ass, whore!" Josh commanded. Sadie giggled as she gave her own rump a rough love tap.

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"Nice piggy!" Josh said, as Sadie finished her little dance. With no pause, she began rubbing herself.

Masturbating like a wild animal, she was huffing and puffing as she felt the climax come.

"You're not allowed to have an orgasm while masturbating" Josh added with a sadistic smile.

Sadie felt the orgasm fade away. She got desperate, wanting to explode into a climax so badly, but her body was denying her. 

She was sweating and grunting, wildly rubbing herself for 10 minutes. Josh was loving the show. 

The pathetic pig that couldn't be satisfied.

"You're not well trained, aren't you? You're just programmed well. As I promised..." Josh beckoned the sweaty and fatigued slut closer.

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Sadie came closer and bent forward.

"Here you go, piggie. Enjoy" 

She sucked the sweet nicotine into her body. Josh chuckled as he squeezed her fat tit. To his surprise, milk squirted out of it.

"Wow, you're a cow as well? You got milkers that filled to the brim."

He laughed to himself and slapped her tits a few times.

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Vibrant white scratches of bright radiant light were screaming inside her mind. The trickling realization that her mind was malfunctioning spent the better side of an hour to fully register.

In the span of, what felt like, a minute, she went through an epiphany.

At that time, Josh played with her body.

Her modifications began to activate. She was lactating like crazy, her mouth was so sensitive, it was a continuous trance of climax. Her unsatisfied sex was dripping while a stream of pee came flooding out. Unable to contain any liquid inside of her own body, she was a pathetic mess of bodily fluids.

"Your tits, they're insane! It's like a strange mold that I can form art out of, look!" Josh squeezed her boobs, causing a new torrent of milk to rush out, he then let go, and the strangely protruding boob stood erect and shaped, a big hand print pushed into it. Like clay,it was malleable. Still standing proud and pointed, her boobs were also much lighter than normal mammaries of females. It was like they were submerged in water. 

Her face reflected everything that was happening to her the most. 

Her pink lips were gaining more and more vibrancy by the minute. Her implant was doing work, and now it was actually controlling the color and finish of her lips. 

Her eyes were shuddering, rolling back, sometimes only one, but it was spurring Josh to do more to her. She was either a broken toy, or a well working one. Regardless, he would get his money's worth by the crack of dawn.

She was whimpering. Or, her body was trying to whimper.

It was all neutralized. Her little glowing hub was eliminating all of her oral noise. The only sounds she made were the wet, slapping and disgusting sounds her sweaty pig body produced.

This session was so destructive, literal years had been taken off her expectancy thanks to the session with Josh.... Thus far.

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She slowly came to. The nicotine had overloaded her programming, and she was shunted out of her preprogrammed state.

She was in pain. Constricted and fatigued.

"Where am I? Who a..." She stopped her angry questioning as she noticed no sound came out. She screamed and shouted, but no sound was actually coming out of her. Every time she attempted to speak, she felt her clavicle bones vibrate.

As she wiggled, trying desperately to get loose, she noticed something swing in front of her. A swirly pink plastic toy. It was wobbling around, responding to her motion. A painful sting went through her body as she realized that it was the cause for the numbness she felt in her ass. 

Someone's playing a fucked up game, I gotta get outta here.

Her mind began racing.

Slowly, as she tried to find a weakness in the construction that was holding her in place, more and more pain was coursing through her body. Like a dormant sensation that was echoing through her. It kept building.

She had to get free before it became too much.

A perverted freak must've drugged and kidnapped me, I have to get outta here before he returns. If only these fucking red lights would stop...

Her thoughts came back to the lights. She noticed they were shining from her own body, and what's worse, her breasts were much bigger than usual. With her legs bent all the way behind her, she shouldn't be able to do this. She wasn't nearly this limber. 

She stopped reflecting as she had to free herself before it was too late.

Then she saw him.

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The man walked closer, he was so captured by the performance put on by this slut. Enthralled by her raw emotion, he wanted to see more.

She seemed to scream, shout, thrash and fight, but only clunking metal against wood, and sloppy, wet skin against skin made any noise. She was seething.

He grabbed her pig tail and slowly began pulling it out of her. 

Her face tensed up as she started putting more energy into her silent protest. veins popping and inaudible pleading. He could read her lips well enough to note a plethora of naughty words.

"Now now, little piggie. It's time for you to let me in. But first, you need to remove this thing of yours." He was taking his time with each word. Enjoying the fact that his toned down whispers were still louder than her infernal roaring.

A representation of their power paradigm. he needn't even exert himself in any way to ring louder than the most energized and wrathful battle cry of this distressed female.

"You should at least try to enjoy this a little. The less you struggle... The better it will feel." The last part of his sentence was made even more poignant as he gave her tail a final, freeing, tug. A satisfying 'pop' echoed through the cold and dour warehouse.

Tears were streaming down Sadie's face as the final bastion of her iron will gave away for the inevitability of what was to come.

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Her mind couldn't take it anymore. Her facade gave in. 

Tears flowing freely, she was crying. Begging and pleading, her voiceless imploring for mercy didn't reach.

"Now, you're quite the meaty one, but..." Josh bent forward, exploring her most private and humiliating areas, "you're lacking a bit of chunk." He slapped the inside of her thigh. She yelped inaudibly in response. Every touch, every sensation... Everything is pain.

Her trembling lower lip was flooded by saliva. It was dripping down onto the grotesque flesh that was in full view of this evil stranger.

"What does the QR code on your tits say?" His question wasn't answered.

"Your boobs are strange, like they're filled with weightless sand. But oh well. You have fantastic skin. It's so moist and fuckable. Like your entire body is just the inside of a cozy pussy. "He kept making disgusting observations and remarks.

She was helpless to do anything. All she could do was suffer.

His cold hands were not tender in the least bit. Smacking and spanking her body at his leisure. He was a kid exploring a new playground.

Her senses felt enhanced. She could trace every bit of contact, and the inside of his palm was imprinted into her mind. This keen awareness was further cause for great distress. If she could archive so much physical information... What would happen when he entered her. She wasn't that naïve, she knew what was coming. He was playing with her, basking in the misery his relentless intimacy was causing.

She froze up as a big glob of spit splattered over her sex. He was standing up as he undid his shorts. Sadie shuddered, trying one last time to break free.

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It was effortless. 

Josh kicked his shorts away as he merely pushed his hips forward. 

Like scratching an itch, or taking a sip of water. There was a casualness to his action that made everything worse. 

Sadie was screaming silently out in pain. The noise her pussy made as it was gushing with liquids, a wet sloshing sound infected the air. A spluttering mess of her juices created a mist around her pussy. 

She was so wet down there, it was like her body was begging to be fucked. As pain rained down, wracking Sadie to her very core, her body seemingly yearned for more.

It wasn't something that she paid attention to. It was all muted by the immediate agony that she was suffering. 

Josh moaned in synchronicity with his thrusts. He was pushing and pulling her entire body in rhythm to the pace of him raping her. She was just a helpless piece of flesh, a tool for his disgusting relief. A human-shaped fleshlight.

"Hah... You fucking freak!" He said in the midst of his moans. Sounds of wet globs hitting the wooden panel and the floor echoed as well. 

Her pig pussy was dousing his cock with so much liquid. The disgusting sounds kept at it, tormenting Sadie, as she desperately tried to block them out. It was impossible.

The air was just filled with sopping, spattering, squirting, and queefing

Kill me... Just kill me...

She begged for death, to take her away from this unrelenting humiliation.

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The heavy staggered gasping of Sadie was the only barely audible thing besides the sloppy noises of what was transpiring that filled the air. Josh was curious about the things in Sadie's nose. 

He bent forward and, with his lips, embraced hers, in what could be confused with a romantic gesture.

As he made a seal around her mouth, he pushed down. 

Strawberries? What sick genius has made all these amazing improvements to this one?

He was quite impressed that her tears had coated her lips with strawberry flavor.

As he kept pistoning in and out of her slippery opening.

He noticed that she began to tense up more than usual. He was slowly asphyxiating her. Blocking her only way of breathing.

His passionate kiss of malice went on, his cock was massaged by her tensing up from fear of dying.

Sadie was allowed moments to breathe in sparse intervals.

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Josh was becoming more and more intense.

The slapping sound of flesh against flesh echoed louder and louder.

He tilted Sadie's cage as he kept fucking her relentlessly.

"54 kilos, right whore? Heh heh..." He grinned, "I must admit, that feels about right. Your fat fucking udders are nearly weightless!" He now controlled even more of her motion. She felt his cock inside of her, she felt it vividly and its motion was visualized in her head. She couldn't rid herself of the mental image of Josh entering her over and over. The angle changed how his dick pushed its way through her.

Her body was shaking uncontrollably as she felt herself tense up. It was so painful that black dots began impairing her sight. Josh became obstructed by black dots resonating to the pain that was ripping her brain in half.

A strong stream of milk shot out of her erect nipple as she roared out in absolute agony. The lack of sound was ruining her way of coping. Her naked body was as helpless and tender as her very exposed soul was. 

As she had reached the peak of this torture, her mind shut itself off to spare her the pain. But it was severely delayed. Some damage had been irreparably imbued into her very core. Damaged goods.

As something warm filled her up inside, everything turned black. The last thing she registered was her being thrown on the ground. Used and abused, she had served her sick and fucked up purpose. Now he discards her like a wet rag.

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Sadie slowly came to. 

Slumped down on the cold concrete floor.

Her previous prison scattered behind her, she takes her first conscious breath in what feels like an eternity.

I'm free. I can move.

The realization brought haste to her recovery. Trying not to think back on what happened to her, she focused on the next step. 

While still on the ground amid the fluids, she felt a sense of relief. In this very moment, she was free. She resigned her optimism to the horrible reality that it most likely would be short lived.

As she was getting ready, she had to make a choice. Not too far away, there was a knife. 

Do I fight on, or do I... end...

She was contemplating ending it all. She didn't feel that much sadness or imminent despair. It was as if her body had run out of fucks to give. But she was still very aware of how gruesome of fate she could end up with.

Fight on, it is!

She made the decision. Remembering when she was taken from the field earlier. She could actually be in the southern outskirts. She should, in theory, be very near a nightclub that she usually frequents. There she could find friendly faces. Someone to help. 

With a plan in mind, she was ready

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Finally having gathered the energy to stand up, she realized that she couldn't move with this restrictive and hindering footwear. What's even worse is that there was no way to take them off.

Not wanting to stab at them with a knife, she just had to endure. 

Slowly, she made her way out of the warehouse. 

It was a clumsy exit as she kept falling over.

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With a loud crash, she hit her head. Collapsing down on the ground again, she needed a moment to take everything in. 

She started crying as she rubbed her sore forehead. She was like a child that stubbed their toes. She didn't know what was up with the horrifying lights inside of her own body. It was like her womb was glowing inside her body, and she had scan codes on her breasts. Her collar felt restrictive, and her upper chest was marked with a strange device that she didn't dare try to take out. Her feet were sore, and locked in a steep angle, and her entire body was sweaty, obscene, twisted, warped, perverted, and exposed for the world to see. She had the cum of a stranger inside of her, and her body bore the marks of so much abuse, most of which she couldn't even remember.

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Crawling through the street, hiding from everything that was moving. Sadie was on high alert.

She had tracked through the shrubs that separated the road from the sidewalk. They gave her cover for a good while. Now she's dirty, but her skin is still oily and shiny. Like a coating of oil that prevents most of the dirt from sticking to her. 

She had made it to the street that ran through the area where the nightclub was at. She had to do this last trek in full exposure. No way she could hide from anyone. She felt so vulnerable, her hope had waned a long time ago.

She was basically waiting for the next man to take her and do unspeakable things to her. She was counting the seconds before a new master would dominate her.

Something was different. Every sensation from her lips and two lower holes weren't only pain. She could feel other things again. 

Maybe the effects of whatever has been done to me is tapering off.

She was hoping, but not expecting, that every strange thing done to her would revert back to normal.

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The sounds of footsteps behind her killed every bit of optimism left in her body. She slumped forward and felt the defeat sink in. 

As she lied there, huddled in a pathetic mess of subhuman filth, she heard that the footsteps were that of high heels. 

Not daring to take a look, she wanted this person to just walk by, to not pay her any attention.

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"Fuck off, you ghetto whore. These parts are only for those of us who have some class." An uppity, superior, smug, and very familiar voice rained down on her.

The uppity person sighs, before continuing in a slightly warmer tone, "I can call you a taxi if you can't move yourself."

Standing there, leagues above her, clad in a beautiful and sexy outfit, sporting the typical blue tinted eyeshadow...


She thought to herself as she was completely stunned. This unknowing woman was currently looking down on her own step-sister without realizing it.

She was looking more radiant than ever before. Body glitter and all.

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"Sis!" Sadie tried saying. But nothing came out. She tried speaking her name, but only silence.

"What's wrong with you? Ey, pig, you ok?!" Sadie's inability to speak annoyed the woman.

Clearing her throat a bit, she bent down closer to Sadie. 

Time seemingly frozen, Sadie desperately wished for her to recognize her own sister. Afraid of doing anything to put her off, she just stared helplessly into the eyes of her warm and loving step-sister.

"You look like someone I..." The woman took a quick glance at Sadie's two moles on her upper chest. Then she looked closer at her eyes. 

The realization slowly dawned on her as her face went from disgusted superiority to a heart-wrenching expression.

"Sadie?" Her voice was cracking as a tear trickled down her cheek.

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Sadie wanted so badly to scream out the name of her step-sister. She wanted so badly to cry out loud. 

"Sadie!" Her step-sister cried out as they both embraced each other. A heartfelt reunion.

Serena had been so scared for her step-sister who went missing. She was beyond words. She couldn't express the happiness and sadness, as well as the other myriad of emotions that were all overflowing.

As they hugged it out, Serena felt a sadness take over. Seeing her own sister like this. Something horrible must've happened. She pushed the confusion away, just wanting to comfort and support her step-sister.

Sadie was engulfed in this embrace. Finally feeling the touch of someone kind and loving. It only felt right.

An insatiable hunger to feel the warmth of her step-sister for as long as possible. Where words failed her, actions did not. 

They slumped down together, Serena not caring about ruining her gown as she held the dirty girl tight. 

"Are you okay?" She asked in between sobs.

Sadie looked into her step-sister's eyes and nodded lovingly. 

Has she always been this beautiful?

Sadie thought to herself.

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"... And bring one with a privacy glass between driver and passenger. 

5 minutes, got it. Thanks".

Serena had called for a taxi to pick them up. She didn't want to have her step-sister walk naked through the streets. She still felt the effect of all the drinks and drugs from the night before. Getting her step-sister to safety was all that mattered. 

Sadie was so happy to finally feel the warmth of family and kindness. Tender and caring. She felt like a baby being cradled by its mother.

Maybe it was that mental image that dominated her thoughts. She wept quietly into her step-sister's body. She was tired. Her body felt heavy. All that prevented her from passing out was the intimacy and sweetness of her hugging her step-sister. 

But a little weird sensation was knocking at the door. It didn't want to go away. something that she pushed down deep into the dark. 

She was with her step-sister, she was safe. Everything was fine. She could rest. 

But, not everything wanted to relax.

As she grew more and more tired, something else was fighting for control.

She was drooling.

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Sadie's body was moving on its own. She was doing all she could to stop it, but it didn't even slow down.

"Sad..." Her step-sister got interrupted as she was locked into a deep and passionate kiss with her own step-sister.

It was not just warm, it was burning. 

Serena was shocked beyond belief. She couldn't believe what had happened. Before she even could think about pushing her deranged step-sister away, the heat set it.

The burning sensation. Like their lips fusing together. Not painful, not scorching. 

Sadie slowly leaned more into it, pushing her step-sister back. She didn't relent. She couldn't. 

She finally had something again, something pure, something she wanted. She could share it with someone she loved.

As she forced her step-sister on her back, she massaged the lower lip of Serena. Her lip gloss tasted like pineapple. 

The first loving kiss in what felt like forever.

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It wasn't enough, Sadie needed more. She wanted to give more.

More of everything, the burning sensation that spurred her on, it was demanding greater effort.

The memories of her torture-ladened past suddenly took on a different light. The submersion into total carnal debauchery was flashing in her mind, ringing in her ears. She was sharing this now. She wanted Serena to understand.

She needed her step-sister to understand.

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She looked down on the reddening face of her asphyxiating step-sister. She was sucking her erect nipples while choking her. Tears streamed down Serena's face as her face was twisted in pain and pleasure. 

A sight that should devastate Sadie, it did nothing but give fuel to her endeavor. 

Lovingly squeezing her throat while sucking her, she moved her free hand down to Serena's unattended pussy.

A dripping wet sex starving for attention awaited.

This wasn't enough, Sadie had to give more. 

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Sadie's lips were molesting the tender body of Serena, they were relentless.

Serena was lost in pleasure. The feeling of Sadie's lips to her skin, nothing could compare. The burning sensation it brought was wrecking her. 

The grip around her neck was loosened as Serena's body shuddered in the afterquakes of her third climax. 

With no time to rest or recover, the refractory period was cut short when she felt her hips lifted into the air and the divine grace of the burning lips made their presence known in her most intimate and sensitive areas. 

Her sensitive pussy was invaded by the mouth of her step-sister. Her stomach contracted and her muscles shuddered yet again. A new explosion ruined her further. She needed more. Her body pushed itself into the grasp of her savage step-sister. She thrust her hip, shoving her nethers harder against Sadie's greedy mouth. 

She was so lost in this disgusting and perverted act that she didn't notice the man walking up. 

Their driver had arrived. 

His day just took a turn for the better.

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Not wanting to interrupt them, the driver merely knelt down behind Sadie and cleared his throat to make his presence known, kinda. It wasn't much effort put into it, one could barely call it audible.

Serena was moaning out loud, her head going side to side as she was bombarded with an overload of pleasure.

Her clothes cast away, her cellphone out of reach, the left shoe was gone. She was completely naked. 

The driver felt a wave of arousal rush over him. He started to shudder a little. The sight alone was making him tremble.

Not sure if he could restrain himself anymore, he finally spoke up.

"Serena, I will be your driver for the night. Forgive the delay, as it took longer to acquire the vehicle that matched your specifications to arrive." He blurted out. Serena looked at him, she was already aware that he was there. 

Doing this in front of him was further dousing her with wave upon wave of excitement. Hoping he might do something crazy, she pretended not to notice. 

"Take us...Ah!" She managed to utter in between gasps and moans.

Their business policy was clear. If the client was unable to move on their own, the driver was to offer to aid them to the vehicle. Under no circumstances, unless it was at the risk of endangering the driver, was he to leave them there.

"yes ma'am." He said as a sly smile creased the corners of his mouth.

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He wanted to take his time, but it was too risky. He helped Serena over to the van, only taking an occasional grope at her sweaty and glittery body. She had just laid down on the metal floor when he let her go.

Sadie was different. He had to actually carry her. This, he spent a little longer doing. As he was enjoying the feel of this perverted freak, she began sucking on his neck and licking his ear. She moved a little in his arms, trying to get him to cup a few more feels. She was slobbering over him. A short walk back and he was noticing something odd about the naked and glowing creature. 

Everything about her, it was as if her entire being was molded to turn him on the most. As he got to the van, he couldn't just drive them straight home. This was too much, but he had to engineer a situation where he could partake. Wheels were turning in his head, as he was trying to concoct a plan.

Serena was watching curiously as her step-sister was slowly carried over.

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The driver had brought them both into the back of the van, the doors were slammed shut, and he was beginning to drive them away.

Serena closed her eyes to the rest of the world. She was reunited with her step-sister, that was all that mattered.

She let Sadie kiss her over and over, as she had mounted her quite effortlessly. Her giant boobs were pushing her down, but for some reason, they felt light and gentle. 

As the car sped up, the lights in the back were dimmed. Serena noticed that Sadie's lips were glowing. 

For a brief moment, she felt concern fill her mind before the intoxication that was Sadie's smell and touch took over. 

She grabbed her step-sister's thigh and gave it a loving squeeze. Sadie pulled back from her kiss and said through her big, puffy, wet, and glowing lips, "Treat me the way I look, sis." Hoping that her step-sister would be a little rougher with her. The stimuli she felt from being roughed up was exhilarating .

Serena finally asked. "What happened to you?" She couldn't ignore the red flags she was seeing.

Sadie, with a sensual serpentining motion, pushed herself down onto her step-sister's naked body. Her head swayed back and forth, always maintaining eye contact. Serena's breathing became shallow as she was entranced by her step-sister.

Sadie exhaled slowly, blowing warm air down onto Serena's lips. She then answered.

"I... broke... free..."

Those three words erased Serena's concern and doubt. The two began rolling around on the floor of the van, kissing and moaning, groping and thrusting. A tangled mess of sex and sin filled the air.

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The van stopped. The driver remained seated as he took a few deep breaths. Looking behind, he saw the two step-sisters tangled up in each other.

He couldn't turn his head back again. His body refused.

"I'll... help!" he said loudly. Barking it out, as he had little control over the volume of his voice.

"Yes sir," Sadie simply said. That was all he needed. The driver grabbed a hold of Sadie's head and pulled her to his lap. He was usually a very timid man, but something was off, he was acting and feeling so aggressive. 

he was shocked for a brief moment as he noticed that Sadie was smiling and seductively biting her lip. The fact that he grabbed and lifted her by her head seemed to only turn her on even further. 

A brief shrug followed by acceptance that he was either tripping on acid, dreaming, or in heaven, as he then continued. He was about to plunder some tender girls' bodies. The urge to roughly fuck the brain out of these two kept building and amplifying. 

The head he held so firmly moaned as Serena had started to eat her out.

"I offer you my step-sister's body, dominate it." Sadie whispered to the driver. Although she wanted him to focus solely on her, she needed her step-sister to submerge herself deeper into her world. To share in this absolute madness. To make sure she would never be alone again.

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With zero effort, the man had taken control over the whole event. Never letting go of Sadie's head, he had turned Serena around, placed Sadie down on top of her step-sister, then positioned his lower body near where the blue glittery legs meet.

"Unbutton me" He commanded Sadie. She felt his grip around her neck grow tighter as the man's other hand had her by the back of her head. He dictated her every move. 

"Hurry, take my cock out, I'm gonna fuck your step-sister with it!" He said impatiently. 

Sadie complied. She found herself obeying a stranger who treated her like dirt. He was going to fuck her own flesh and blood, her beloved step-sister. 

She shuddered as excitement so strong, it felt like a climax itself, ran through her. 

With her trembling arms, she unbuttoned the man's pants. She moved her hands to his underwear and pulled down. Something thick and growing bursted out.

Serena's pussy was dripping, something the man would take advantage of. 

"Slap her ass and steer my cock into this whore's hole!" He shouted as spit accompanied the words, coating Sadie's cheek in saliva.

"Yes, Master." Sadie said. As she did, she heard her step-sister moan. That sound of pleasure came before the cock had even made contact with her body, before Sadie had slapped her ass. 

The situation alone was so intoxicating, Serena couldn't control herself in anticipation. 

A satisfying 'smack' was heard, followed by a horny yelp.

Sadie took great pleasure in what was happening. She made sure to guide the cock very slowly to her step-sister's pussy. As it made contact, her step-sister started to gasp and shudder. 

She slowly guided it further in. First the head, then the shaft began to dive in... Slowly, more and more of this man invaded Serena's body. She was helpless to prevent any of this from happening. She could only lie on the cold and rough metal floor, and take it.

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What transpired was the best sex any of the three had ever had.

It was an all you can eat buffet, and the man was gorging himself. 

Like animals, they were at it for hours. Serena did things she had never thought herself capable of, Sadie was lactating from her fat tits, the driver was roughly fucking and breaking two girls in quite thoroughly.

He emptied himself inside of Serena, again. This time, he was completely empty. Dry to the bone.

He made a half-assed excuse before he jumped out of the van and went for a walk. 

Needing to process, and not just fall asleep. His body was completely exhausted. He walked for a few minutes, bought a coffee, then headed back to the van.

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