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A Complete Loss

Jun 30, 2024
He knew exactly how to break us. How could we have been so blind? He saw what we were doing to our "white slaves" and he took advantage of that. He gained their loyalty without the same kind of tactics we used. In the end they were only too happy to submit to his leadership. 

In the end, he used the same tactics on us, only he's done it better. He sent resignation letters to our employers, that way no one would come looking. They were only too happy to see us go, I'm told. We haven't been out of restraints for two weeks and it's clear that we are never going to earn that privilege. Our former slaves were only too happy to remain and see that we are kept helpless. He makes us cum over and over and makes sure to cum inside each time. He knows how humiliating it is to turn former dommes into nothing but breeding slaves. 
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