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Dark Side Purging 10

Sep 15, 2023
For more context, check previous "Dark Side Purging" posts.

While most of the time, the females assigned to attend to the Padawan expressed little to no interest in sexual activities, the young female Padawan chosen this time, Trilla Suduri, had an intense fascination with it.

Engaging in such activities was not explicitly forbidden by the Jedi Order, but it was certainly discouraged and could lead to ridicule within the ranks.

When her master informed her that she had been chosen to care for an apprentice of the order, she initially felt dubious. However, as Master Ti provided additional details, explaining that she would be expected to engage in sexual activity with him, she almost failed to contain her excitement.

The second she learned what room she had to go to, she rushed there and assaulted the man, much to his contentment.

Note : Trilla was chosen as a padawan by Cere sometime during the Clone Wars. This "Dark Side Purging" series range from anywhere to -23BBY to order 66 (-19BBY), so it would have to be set during the later part of the Clone Wars for her to look like a full fledged woman.
Padawan Trilla model by ryonacomics

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