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Dark Side Purging 4

Sep 15, 2023
For more context, check previous "Dark Side Purging" posts.

This time, the Jedi Master Luminara Unduli was the one chosen to take care of the Padawan.

Although she was willing to remove her headpiece, he allowed her to keep it on, much to her gladness, and his delight, as he preferred her wearing it anyway.

Note : Why is this labelled #4 when there's no #3 ? Because I can't post the #3 but it exists, check my linktree for the picture and more specifically my Pixiv if you want its context.
This Luminara model is sort of made by me. I made her skin lips and face tattoos, morphed her face with a morph I thought ressembled her, gave her a body morph I thought fit her and downloaded a hairpiece like the one she has and changed its texture.

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