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Erin - Care To Join Me?

Feb 01, 2019

All Models depicted are 18+ Erin is 21yrs old

They day was ending finally.

Ana, feeling unwell, was in bed, Milla playing her nurse.

Rada and Venice were grabbing some late food and were retiring as well.

Between shifting construction materials, studio props, carrying a lanky mostly naked redhead halfway across the Villa, I had hit the wall.

I still had a few things to do, mostly clerical, and wanted to go through some of the shoots we took while testing things today to see if any could be worked into a publishable state.

I left the studio and made for my office, on the far side of the villa just past my room, laptop under my arm. I shuffled along, off in a daze, wanting to get it all finished and go to bed. 

A day off tomorrow was looking like a great idea.

Tired as I felt, I was paying little attention to the world around me and very near had a stroke when, passing my bedroom door, a long pale leg capped by a soft blue sock snaked it's way into my path to stop me.

I looked up, blinking my eyes into focus, as Erin slithered out of the doorway.

"Good evening" she said.

"Erin, you startled me. I was off with the pixies there"

"I noticed" She gave me that smile of hers and leaned back against the door, the straps of her pale blue negligee falling of her shoulders. 

That was enough to make me sweat, her next move almost set me on fire.

She held my eyes as she gently lowered her lace knickers part way down her slim thighs. 

"Still working?" she glanced at the laptop I still held in my now shaking hands "Or would you care to join me?"


I hope I didn't break that laptop when I dropped it.

Erin. Vagina. Erin's vagina. Toothache back. That's all I got. Hey Nonny Nonny.


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