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Erin - The Visit

Jan 15, 2019

I had no idea where Milla was, and though it pains me to say it, at this moment I didn't care.
I was not used to having to share a room, at least not since we finished the renovations on the newer living quarters. Ana had been a common bed mate for a long time, however with the arrival of Milla and their new relationship, they both moved into one of the larger suits together.
Erin had temporarily at least, taken up the extra room there, since Venice had the only other finished area, so Milla had been in with me, to give the two sisters some family time, an arrangement I was not all that opposed to at all.
(Rada's room was vacant, she was in Hong Kong, but we all live by one simple rule: Never ever go into Rada's room unless invited. We are all certain it is booby trapped.)
This evening though she was conspicuous in her absence and I had the place to myself, a situation I was intending to take full advantage of.
It was not that late, the sun had not yet set, I was just relaxing on the bed listening to some music and letting my mind wander.
 I was thinking on some good news we received to do with Venice, a nice job offer, and how I would go about working it all out. We had a few days off planned so I had the luxury of time to think on it at leisure. If Milla had been present, chances were we would be talking about the wardrobe required, with her missing, I was planning my own role.
My mind was considering a spot on our property that would suit for a fantasy type setting when there was a knock on the door.

Hmmm...Milla never knocks...nor Ana. Venice probably doesn't even know where my room is.

"Yellow?" I asked.
The door cracked open a bit and it was Erin's face that appeared. "Hi, sorry to bother you, do you mind if I come in, things are a bit, um, passionate in Ana's room right now"

Well that told me where Milla was at least.

It had been a task to focus on work after the afternoon I had spent with Erin. She kept creeping into my mind.

"No worries, come on in, make yourself at home" I shuffled about a bit, mostly to make sure my penis wasn't hanging out or something just as stupid.
"Thank you" She pushed the door open further and began to enter the room.
"I can imagine why you would to get away from....MOTHER OF GOD!"
"Oh I am sorry, is this inappropriate? I had to leave in a rush" She stood there in my doorway wearing, well not very much at all, a sheer light blue robe, if you could call it that, was barely more than some scrap material that fell on her accidentally as she walked to my room "I can go find something else if you'd prefer"
"...beep boop bibblybibblybibbly fnord..." I may have dribbled
"Are you OK?" She asked
 I blinked rapidly and managed to catch my breath. "Oh yes I'm fine thank you, no no its quite alright, was only a mild aneurysm"

She gave me that sly side smile she has, very cute, very cheeky, very full of promise, those unusual blue/violet/gold eyes sparkling. She walked over, lithe, graceful and shimmering blue in the soft warm light and sat on the side of my bed near my legs, that thin excuse for a robe falling off her shoulders

"So sorry to be a bother"


Hey, it's my fantasy! I can sleep with whomever I want to! One at a time or all at once, makes no difference to me!

And Erin is most undoubtedly Ana's sister. Ohhhh yes indeed.

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