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Food Run

Apr 20, 2020

*** 1 ***


"How did I get suckered into this?", Ann wondered as she entered Sloppy Joe's. She had been hanging out with couple of her friends and as the afternoon turned to evening, their talking points had progressed from casual to naughty to dirty. At some point someone found that crop top. And without second thoughts she had volunteered to try it on. "No way I'd wear this out on public", Ann had declared. Then came the dare. Was it Danielle? Or was it Erica? It really didn't matter, but Ann was to wear that top to Sloppy Joe's to pick up food for all of them. She felt exposed and uncomfortable and decided on using a self-order to kiosk to avoid any further self-humiliation as much as possible. Ann was so focused on ordering that she almost missed it. She turned to look towards the counter. "Oh my! So. Fucking. Hot.", Ann marveled.


*** 2 ***


Ann had forgotten all about her order now and was eyeing towards counter. "That's a short dress", she thought. "And she's so fucking hot. I wish I had the nerves to wear something like that." The mystery woman on the counter turned around as if she had felt Ann's gaze on her. Ann was scared now. She wanted to look away but couldn't. "Okay, she's gonna flip me off now", Ann thought really wishing that she had turned away. The mystery woman looked back at Ann, blew a kiss at her, smiled and winked. It had taken just a few fractions of a second, but Ann felt like it had lasted a small eternity. Ann's face turned red as she felt her crotch turn tingly and wet.

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