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Shorts-Series: Escort for Hire...

Jun 26, 2024

I'm creating a new series that will be a set of short-comics, similar to the PRANKED YA! Series. This new series will follow in the career of 'MissVanGogh', the Prof. Jenkins' Second/Secret life of pure adultery for financial gain and satisfaction...

A university student constantly indulges himself on the 'mature' side of the web and has a favourite who is offering one-on-one sessions in person... With enough money saved, he decided to hire the model, MissVanGogh. However, it seems that his session with the model was cut prematurely by another...

If you like what you see, don't forget to check out my socials for more! 
A MEGA containing my entire collection available on Patreon containing Textless versions as well... all for free!

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