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The Gift - Part II - Teaser

Jan 28, 2022

This is the continuation of the "The Gift" series. In Part one Dylan has used his uncle's ring to reprogram his hot co-worker Ally into being his lovestruck slave. Now, in part two, people start asking questions. Mainly her now ex-boyfriend Marco and her best female friend Julie. As Julie starts snooping around, Dylan is basically forced to act, adding a second slave to his slowly growing harem. Poor guy! ;)

This part will feature a lot of tranced girls with blank eyes. Either Ally with normal eyes, who had a trance trigger installed previously, or Julie who will fall into a white-eyed trance-like state once the ring is used on her.

The complete comic is 37 pages long and includes 5 pinups.It's as always available on my Patreon for Connoisseur-Tier-Members or in my Gumroad-Shop.

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