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The Gift - Part VII - Teaser

Jun 17, 2022
In part seven of "The Gift" - series, the university arc finally finishes. Will Charlotte be able to use the mind-control ring to put her girlfriend Sayo - the famous reporter - in a hypnotic trance and add her to Dylan's harem? Or will Elizabeth foil her plans? Also, what is happening in the library? Is that Dylan jacking off to Jessica? How will Lana react to this?! Anyway, mid-comic the scene switches to the local hospital. But don't worry about Dylan! A mind-control ring makes for damn good health care ;)

The whole comic is 50 pages + 8 pinups long and contains lots of sexy stuff but also lots of story-based game changers, as Dylan's goals once again make a turn as his plans turn even more like that of a real Evil Villain!

The complete comic is available, as always, on my Patreon for Con-Tier-Members or for sale in my Gumroad-Shop:
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