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This Swing is Not for Children

Jun 06, 2024
Moving from the city to being homeowners the suburbs was the culmination of their dreams to build equity and start a family. The commute would take much longer but the weekends were free to do as they liked.
“I have a surprise for you. It’s in the back yard. But to see it we both have to get naked. And you have to close your eyes.”
“What will the neighbors think if they see us?”
“There’s a tall fence all around and trees and bushes. No one can see us. “We just need to be quiet.”
He led her by the hand as they stepped out on to the back porch buck naked
“Feel the cool breeze and the sun on your gorgeous body? Doesn’t that make you wet? It’s making me hard. Ok, you can open your eyes now.”
She saw a series of straps hanging from a strong tree branch.
“What’s that?”
“Get in and let’s try it out.”
She stepped in awkwardly and fitted the straps around her. She placed her feet in the lower section. Her thighs and ass were completely exposed. He began rocking her back and forth, and as she came close to him with each swing, he stroked her pussy gently. She began to make some low moaning sounds. He increased the pitch, and now inserted his cock in her on each backward swing. She was getting turned on, as was he. After a few minutes both were ready to come. She was perfectly positioned for him to maximize his thrust, he began to make deeper and faster moves, she was gasping trying not to cry out, her wet pussy devouring his ready cock. They both came simultaneously. They both lay exhausted on the sunny deck, spent.
“That was fun. How about some breakfast?“
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