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You Stole My Heart

Jan 28, 2022

Is that so... You know, I can actually steal more than just your heart...

Hey it's that legendary thief from that another battle royale game full of... other legends or something, and her name was... Loba I think... yeah Loba Andrade.

As overrated as that game is I've gotta admit that they have one hell of a latina beauty on board. And considering how much attention miss Andrade is getting when it comes to nsfw stuff it looks that I'm not the only one who thinks that.

You might have noticed that she looks a bit different than the original, that's because all the ports of her model to VAM were... mediocre. So I decided to make her from scratch, took some creative liberties along the way but also tried to stay true to the original. Overall I'm really satisfied with the result. Definitely will create more stuff with her.

So, enjoy! And watch out for your wallets...

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