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Adventures of a Twisted Nature

(Inspired, in part, by the Corruption of Champions game.)

Chapter One

   Yennifer had never been into the docks quarter before, the sheer fact her mother had warned her of the dangers that could befall a young hermaphrodite girl in such a place was just the impetus she needed to visit. She walked confidently along the wharf her toned, tanned legs revealed to varying degrees as a light sea breeze whipped her white skirt this way and that. Her pert breasts bounced within the thin blue vest with each step and the crowning nipples had been hard since the breeze first arose.

  She was attracting a lot of attention and was really enjoying it, most of the men stopped what they were doing to watch and it has to be said, quite a few of the women too. The open stares of appreciation turned her on and she hoped she could get in the door of the Curved Swords and find a seat before her arousal became all too apparent. A gruff call from one of the ships was as coarse as it was loud and quite a few onlookers laughed. She ...


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