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Nov 27, 2020

Futa Centaurs

Aug 04, 2022

Hey everyone!

I just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone for following me, and liking my lists :D.

As of right now, there are a whole 40 followers! And I know it may not seem like much, in comparison to most of the other profiles on this site... But it really means a lot to me.

I don't usually talk much, so on other websites and social media platforms... The only "people" that follow me, are bots!

The difference it seems, is that I'm actually contributing something for once, rather than just consuming, and it honestly feels pretty great! It makes me feel like maybe there is more I could be doing around here... But I'm not exactly sure of what it is, or how else I can contribute to this awesome website!

My main problem is, that I make 3DX art as well, but my ego and taste in art prevent me from uploading it here. I just can't bring myself to share my creations yet, and it really, really sucks.

All I have right now are these lists... But if this is all I have to share... Maybe I can be less selfish with them? I want my lists to be ...


Centaurs' SEX

Jan 02, 2021


Sep 29, 2023