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random 5

Oct 03, 2020

This was written by HarmonyMotion ( and edited by me

“Dude, I told you this would be a waste of time! We paid a bunch of money just to see a bunch of ugly people in the nude? What the hell!” Dan waited for a response from his friend, but none was coming. “So you admit I’m right, right? You totally fucked up with this idea!”

He looked over at his friend, who was paying him no mind. Instead, he was looking across the pool, his semi erect dick beginning to engorge and straighten out. His mouth was agape, and a trail of drool was beginning to drip down.

Dan followed his buddy’s gaze and - what a sight! An incredibly skinny, long legged, yet huge chested bombshell was sunbathing on a chair. Maybe it wasn’t such a bad idea to pay the entry fee to this nudist colony after all, but he wasn’t about to say it.

Dan seized the opportunity while Adam was still in a daze. Adam might be larger than him, but Dan’s own size was seemingly superhuman as well. And Dan was never afraid to make the first move, unlike ...


At pool 2

Apr 05, 2021

UPDATE: They have reviewed my appeal and found that my image profile doesn't violate any of their rules and have unsuspended my account.

It took a while, but am finally back on my Twitter Account.

Twitter account is suspended because they say my profile picture or profile header image violates the twitter rules. It's weird because my twitter picture and header are same as the one here on DeviantArt & Slushe. I have no idea how my profile picture and header violates their rules!!

Anyhow I have appealed for them to unsuspend my twitter, guess I will wait and see.. I thought twitter was better than Instagram but I guess I was wrong... DeviantArt and Slushe are still better.