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Tifa Lockhart

Jan 06, 2023
  • 8RZIpDOUVlvU
  • A few weeks ago I set myself the challenge of developing a Sensual Adventures fanfict episode using the Puppetmaster Pode Viewer with the idea of seeing if it could be developed for that purpose. Here my result: I present to you... Sensual Adventures: Episode Olympia! Link to watch the video: Sensual Adventures: Episode Olympia

Olympia? Olympia was born in 2020 as a Tomb Raider fanfiction. At this time Olympia was going to be a graphic mod for said game. She subsequently became a semi OC character in My Sensual Adventures. The cover of the episode? The cover was originally going to be a photoshop edit of the PuppetMaster cover but in the end I decided to create my own cover inspired by the cover of the first Tomb Raider on the original PlayStation. Will there be more episodes with Olympia? Well in the short term I don't think I'll do more. I want to give the Pose Viewer time to be more developed in order to carry out my idea for the second part. Although currently my idea is not possible to carry it out with the current pose viewer.