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The battle between the forces of good and evil, the host of Heaven and Hell's armada, is never-ending. The struggle has lasted through eternity, and will continue even past the end of Time; the battle is waged at every level. Sometimes that conflict spills over onto the earthly plane, and we glimpse faces of that titanic, endless war...

The demoness looked around. The alley was filthy; it stank of rotting garbage, stale fear, sweat and base lusts. Shielded from the Polite World by a chance dogleg of wall, the denizens of the alley indulged their sordid appetites. Pushers sold their wares, prostitutes and gigolos tiredly offered themselves for rent. Some of those rentals were conducted right here in this alley. Over by a barrel, a jaded blonde girl knelt submissively, passively accepting the pathetic cock being rammed into her mouth by one of those members of the Polite World who had taken a brief side-step off the path of propriety, prosperity and success. A pimp counted his roll while two other girls paraded listlessly, their clothes grubby and in ill repair, tarted up with cheap mascara, lipstick and hastily applied perfume. She smiled. Life was good.

Ethereal, unseen, she strode ...